Call for Blogs by Conscientia Legalis! Submit Now!

About Conscientia Legalis

Conscientia Legalis is a student-run legal blog site and initiative that primarily aims to spread legal consciousness and the knowledge of law among individuals by providing legal professionals, students, academicians, and people with a knack for law, an opportunity to contribute to the legal field. Submissions are received on a rolling basis.


Students of Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and Ph.D. programs, professionals, and academicians are eligible to make their submissions.


There is no specific theme for the blog. However, the submissions shall pertain to the field of law in general, and any area of law, in particular. Submissions may be in the form of articles, legislative notes, case analyses, and briefs.

Submission Guidelines

  • The word limit is 1200-1800 words for all categories of submissions, including Articles, Case Comments and Legislative Notes.
  • Formatting
    • Font- Times New Roman
    • Font Size- 12
    • Line Spacing: 1.5
  • The ILI Rules for Footnoting/Citations should be followed by the authors. Alternatively, relevant sources may be hyperlinked. (Note: The author shall either use footnotes or hyperlink the relevant sources.)
  • All submissions made should be the original work of the author and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The manuscript may contain a maximum plagiarism of 12%. Manuscripts containing plagiarism more than the prescribed limit will be summarily rejected.
  • Co-authorship is allowed only up to two authors.
  • The manuscript submitted shall not reveal the identity of the author in any manner.
  • The author(s) bear the sole responsibility for the originality of their work and the accuracy of facts and opinions in their submissions.
  • If published, the copyright of the submission shall vest with Conscientia Legalis. However, all the moral rights shall vest with the author.
  • The manuscripts should abide by the above-mentioned guidelines. Non-adherence may lead to immediate rejection. The final discretion of acceptance of the manuscript lies with the Editorial Board.
  • All submissions will be acknowledged within 3-4 business days of their receipt.
  • Acceptance/Rejection for publication will be communicated to the author(s) within three weeks of their receipt.

Submission Procedure

Click Here To Submit.

The manuscripts (in docx. Format only) shall be submitted via the Google form.

Contact Information

[email protected]

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