Call for Papers! Decentring research on deportation governance programs, practices and experiences from the Global North! IMISCOE 2025!

Call for Papers! Decentring research on deportation governance programs, practices and experiences from the Global North! IMISCOE 2025!

Panel proposal IMISCOE 2025, 1-4 July 2025 Paris-Aubervilliers

Call for Papers: Decentring research on deportation governance programs, practices and experiences from the Global North (on site)

Chairs: Rossella Marino (UGent) & Laura Cleton (EUR)

Discussant: TBA

This panel seeks to bring together scholars who aim to decenter research on the programs, practices and experiences that shape deportation governance in the Global North. The study of deportation in Europe and the US, broadly understood as “the compulsory return of non-citizens to their country of nationality” (Walters 2002), has long animated scholars of migration and citizenship. Despite now having evolved to a consolidated subfield of “deportation studies” (Coutin 2015), we hold that this body of scholarship to a large extent reflects a Eurocentric/Global North bias, in terms of geography, epistemology and methodology.

Submission Guidelines

Submit a 250-word abstract and the name(s), affiliation(s), and contact details of the author(s) to Rossella Marino ([email protected]) and Laura Cleton ([email protected]) by Friday, 13 September latest. For questions, please reach out to Laura Cleton. We look forward to receiving your abstracts!

For more details, refer here



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