Call for Working Papers | NLSIU’s Reliance Chair on Corporate Law and Governance!

Call for Working Papers | NLSIU’s Reliance Chair on Corporate Law and Governance!

NLSIU’s Reliance Chair on Corporate Law and Governance (RCCL&G) is launching a Working Paper Series and invites working papers on a continuous basis focusing on research (theoretical, empirical as well as applied) in (all) areas of Corporate Law and Governance, Economics and Economic Analysis. The working papers are aimed at contributing to professional discussion relating to the above themes and disseminating work-in-progress finding of academic research.

We encourage original and high-quality work-in-progress submissions from scholars. The Chair especially welcomes submissions by early career scholars. The purpose also is to facilitate greater visibility and reach of original, high-quality work-in-progress in the above areas.

Categories of Submissions

  • Articles (Corporate Law and Governance): 3000–6000 words (exclusive footnotes).
  • Articles (Economics and Economic Analysis): 2000–5000 words (excluding footnotes).


  1. Submissions must be in English only.
  2. All submissions must have a Title, Author details (names, email ids, highest academic degrees and affiliations), Abstract (within 200 words), Keywords (3-5).
  3. Up to a maximum of 3 authors (at least one author must be an academic/practitioner having a Ph.D.) are allowed.
  4. All submissions must be original, unpublished, and high-quality work-in-progress.
  5. The body of the paper shall be in Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 line spacing. Footnotes should be Times New Roman, font size 10, single line spacing.
  6. OSCOLA (4th Edition) style of citation to be followed.

How to Submit

Please use the Google form available here, to make your submissions. You will need to login via a Gmail account to complete the Google form.
Review of papers will be conducted on a rolling basis.


For further queries, contact us at [email protected]

For more details, refer here


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