10-Week Online Certificate Course on International Commercial & Investment Arbitration by SEAL at RMLNLU and SimuLegum.

Details of the Opportunity :

The course would be conducted by the following experts:

  1. Mr. Charles Caher, Partner, WilmerHale
  2. Ms. Marleen Krueger, Partner, WilmerHale
  3. Ms. Zeina Obeid, Partner, Obeid & Partners
  4. Ms. Lilit Karapetyan, Partner, Concern Dialog, Armenia
  5. Mr. Anirudh Lekhi, Associate, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP
  6. Ms. Payal Chatterjee, Partner, Trilegal
  7. Ms. Niyati Gandhi, Partner, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co.
  8. Mr. Arthad Kurlekar, Associate, Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP
  9. Mr. Ankit Rajgarhia, Principal Associate, Karanjawala & Co
  10. Mr. Keval Sheth, FCIArb, Founder & Director, Konvêrj-Zeûs
  11. Mr. Fredrik Lindmark, Deputy Counsel, International Chamber of Commerce
  12. Mr. Aman Singhania, Senior Associate, Trilegal
  13. Mr. Tushar Behl, Counsel, Unity Legal
  14. Ms. Jyoti Singh, Advocate, Supreme Court of India and former legal consultant to the Ministry of External Affairs

Please note that only SEAL’s logo will be present on the certificate along with SimuLegum’s logo.


Eligibility  :

Law students (including LLM students), graduates, academicians and practitioners


Perks :

  • Internship recommendations for Top Performers.
  • Learn from the best mentors in the subject, in the industry.
  • Live Sessions.
  • Lifetime access to recordings.


Modules :


  1. Introduction to International Investment Arbitration: (Nature, Evolution and Context, Interpretation and Application of Investment Treaties, Investment Contracts, Investor, Investment, State v State, Investor v State, Political Risk Assurance, ICSID, etc.) Jurisdiction.
  2. Admissibility Practical Aspects: (Effective Case Strategy & Choices from a Counsel’s perspective, The Investor’s, State’s and Tribunal’s viewpoint, Conduct of the Arbitral Process) Standards of Protection Attribution and State Responsibility Private International Law and Investment.
  3. Arbitration Annulment and Enforcement of Investment Arbitration Awards.



  1. Introduction to International Commercial Arbitration.
  2. Agreement to Arbitrate (Including Drafting of an Arbitration Clause) Law Applicable to the Arbitration: Procedure, Arbitration Agreement & Merits.
  3. Establishment and Organization of an Arbitral Tribunal (along with powers, duties & Jurisdiction) Conduct of the Arbitral Proceedings (Including Provisional Measures).
  4. Setting Aside and Challenge of Arbitral Awards Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements & Awards Valuation.
  5. Damages under International Commercial and Investment Arbitration.


Duration  :

10 Weeks


Last Date to Register :

Enrol by Sept 28

The course started 24 Sept, candidates registering after this date will get recordings of the missed sessions.


Registration Fee :

Rs 2199 


Registration Link

Click Here to Register.


For more details go through with the brochure :

Course Brochure – Certificate course on International Commercial and Investment Arbitration 2024



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