Call for Blogs by NLU Jodhpur Law Review Blog ,Submissions on a Rolling Basis!

Details of the opportunity :

Formatting Guidelines :

  • The title of the post should be formatted to Garamond font size 14, All Caps and in bold. The main body of the text should be formatted to Garamond font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing with a single line space between paragraphs.
  • Submissions must be in a Word format (‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’). Ensure that the title of the document has been renamed to the title of the post (without any personal detail of the author(s)).
  • To submit a post for consideration, please fill the Google Form which can be accessed by clicking here.


Editorial Policy :

    • The Blog follows a comprehensive double-blind review process which starts right after the receipt of the manuscript, therefore, the manuscript must not be submitted on any other platform for publication during the review process.
    • The Board of Editors retains complete discretion over acceptance or rejection of manuscripts.
    • The Board of Editors will not entertain requests for advance decisions based on abstracts, topic proposals or outlines.
    • Editorial decisions shall be based solely on review of the final manuscripts submitted by the author(s).
    • After initial acceptance, manuscripts may be returned to the author(s) with suggestions related to substance and/or style.
  • Final acceptance of a manuscript for publication is contingent on the incorporation of such suggestions to the satisfaction of the Board of Editors.
  • Upon final acceptance of the manuscript for publication by the Board, the copyright over the manuscript is vested in the Blog. However, the moral rights over the manuscript shall vest in the author(s).
  • The manuscript which is published on any other platform must not be submitted for publication. The Blog only accepts exclusive publications.


Review Process :

  • All the manuscripts will go through a double blind peer review. The review process of each manuscript may take up to 15 days, though the Board of Editors shall endeavour to respond back to the author(s) within a week.
  • Please note that the Board will directly provide the decision to accept or reject the manuscript. The amendments and suggestions, if any, shall be communicated to the authors at the earliest.
  • If the manuscript has been selected for publication, the authors will be expected to perform any necessary revision in good faith.
  • Authors are also expected to be cooperative when it comes to minor editorial changes which might be necessary even after the submission of edited manuscript by the author(s).


Points for Quick Reference :

  • There are no restrictions in relation to the area of law. Submissions for the blog are on a rolling basis. The form may be accessed by clicking here, or on our official website:
  • Any form of plagiarism will lead to disqualification for the purposes of publication and the Board of Editors retains absolute discretion in relation to both acceptance or rejection of a manuscript.
  • Maximum co-authorship of two for the submissions made.


Contact :

Email:[email protected]

Click here to submit the blog.





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