Call for Papers! International Conference! Global Civil Society’s value and law power facing a crisis of values and law! 11-12 November 2024!

Call for Papers! International Conference! Global Civil Society’s value and law power facing a crisis of values and law! 11-12 November 2024!

Within the Conference’s challenging conceptual and empirical framework the Human Rights Centre “Antonio Papisca” and the UNESCO Chair “Human Rights, Democracy and Peace” of the of the University of Padova have launched, in tight cooperation with the Human Rights Consortium (University of London), the School of Global Studies (University of Gothenburg), the Centre for Applied Human Rights (University of York), the Institute of International Studies (University of Wroclaw) and the UNESCO Centre (University of Graz) a call for papers open to human rights scholars, researchers as well as Ph.D candidates.

Preference will be given to sound proposals which contribute addressing, from different disciplinary perspectives the following topics (see detailed topic descriptions, below the “Dates and Instructions” section).

  • Protecting civil society’s role in the UN human rights system
  • A multi-level governance of resilience: civil society and local governments for the promotion of peace and human rights
  • Navigating Shrinking Civic Space through Digital Advocacy and Mobilization
  • Innovation and threats in transnational social mobilization
  • Protecting human rights in situation of conflict: NGOs and Human Rights Defenders’ challenges, lessons learned and successes
  • From Protest to Power: The Dynamic Influence of Social Movements in the 21st Century

The conference is however open to other relevant civil society and human rights-related topics that have been left out from the proposed topics.

Dates and instructions
To participate in the call for papers, please fill the form by 30th September 2024 (midnight).

You will be asked to provide an abstract of maximum 300-500 words, information about authors, up to 4 key-words and a reference to one of the conference’s panel topics.

Notification of acceptance will be sent by 6th October.

For accepted abstracts, the submission of a working paper before the Conference is strongly encouraged. This will also help preparing the manuscript for the publication opportunities provided in the context of this event.

There is no Conference fee.

For more details, refer here


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