Call for Papers! UKLO Annual International Scientific Conference 2024! Submission Deadline- 01 November 2024!

Call for Papers! UKLO Annual International Scientific Conference 2024! Submission Deadline- 01 November 2024!

Registration & Submission:
Those interested in participating in the conference are invited to register with submission of an abstract (max. 300 words) along with a brief narrative academic biography (max. 200 words) by 01 November 2024 via the following email: [email protected] or click the button here:

In celebration of World Science Day for Peace and Development, the University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola (UKLO) is organizing its Annual International Scientific Conference for 2024. The theme of the AISC 2024 is: “A Multidisciplinary Approach to Sustainable Development Goals.” Accordingly, UKLO is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the conference.

The conference will be held in Bitola (North Macedonia) with in-person attendance, and an exception will be made to allow for online participation. Only participants who attend the conference will have their papers published. The exact venue of the conference in Bitola will be determined at a later date, and all participants will be notified accordingly.

Participants are invited to submit papers on any subject related to and within the scope of the AISC 2024 topic. Submissions from academics, researchers, and practitioners at any stage of their career, including PhD students, will be accepted.

For a comprehensive overview of the key focus areas covered in the conference, please click here:


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