Fellowship Applications for the 2025 Visiting are now open. The deadline is October 7, 2024.

Details of the Opportunity



The Stimson Center South Asia Program’s Visiting Fellowship is designed for outstanding analysts, scholars, students, and researchers in India and Pakistan who are dedicated to the study of strategic and security issues in the subcontinent.

This fellowship combines professional development of research, writing, and public presentation skills with extensive exposure to the D.C. policy community. Visiting Fellows will develop a research project while meeting with senior scholars and analysts working on South Asian security issues at universities and think-tanks, as well as leading practitioners in the U.S. government. They also contribute analysis to SAV throughout the one-year period.

Fellows are selected based on criteria such as the quality of their research proposal, research and writing aptitude, and fit with the Stimson Center’s research interests. Frequent, high-quality contributors to SAV will be given special consideration.

For general inquiries, please write to [email protected] with “Visiting Fellowship” in the subject line.


Fellowship Structure :

Visiting Fellows spend eight weeks of the one-year fellowship in residence at the Stimson Center’s office in Washington, DC, during which engagement with the U.S.-based policy and research community is a priority. The remainder of the fellowship consists of ten months of research and writing in the fellows’ home countries.


Fellowship Requirements :

  • A co-authored or single-authored research memo developed while in residence at Stimson;
  • Five op-ed-style essays published on the South Asian Voices platform over the twelve-month period. Co-authored pieces are welcome;
  • Participation in the Stimson Visiting Fellows salon presentation to the wider D.C. policy community;
  • Occasional substantive contributions to Stimson Center products and intellectual community (i.e. peer review, podcast interviews) throughout the one-year fellowship.


Application Materials :

  • A 500-word cover letter detailing the applicant’s research interests, experience, and how the fellowship fits into their career goals;
  • A resume or curriculum vitae of no more than two pages detailing the applicant’s professional and educational accomplishments;
  • A writing sample of no more than two single-spaced pages;
  • A 500-word research proposal on the topic the applicant would like to explore in their policy memo (the topic may be subject to change following selection);
  • A letter of recommendation from a professor or former employer explaining what qualifications, skills, and experiences make the applicant an excellent fit for the fellowship.


Additional Information :

  • The South Asia Program makes an active effort to select a diverse and balanced cohort. In their cover letter, the applicant may also wish to elaborate on how they could contribute to the diversity of the 2025 Visiting Fellowship cohort.
  • All applicants must apply through the Stimson website.
  • Letters of recommendation can also be sent to the account with the subject header “Applicant Name – Visiting Fellowship 2025.”


Selection Criteria Fellows are selected based on criteria such as the quality of their research proposal, research and writing aptitude, and fit with the Stimson Center’s research interests. All applicants will be considered, but successful candidates will likely have some or all of the following:

  • Frequent and/or high-quality contributions to South Asian Voices;
  • Demonstrable, substantive experience researching South Asia security or strategic issues;
  • A track record of publications in journals, books, or newspapers/magazines;
  • A master’s degree or higher in a relevant field.


Candidates who have not previously received an international fellowship will also receive greater consideration.




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