Call for Papers! India’s Intellectual Property Diplomacy in International Trade! Deadline for submission of paper: November 20, 2024!

Call for Papers! India’s Intellectual Property Diplomacy in International Trade! Deadline for submission of paper: November 20, 2024!

About the book:

Intellectual Property (IP) laws are, by the principle, “lex loci protectionis.” However, with the rise in the multilateral trade system in the 19th century, international organizations like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) have played a vital role in laying down binding international legal norms relating to intellectual property. The concept of ‘convention country’ obligations, the principle of national treatment, and the principle of reciprocity followed by the apprehension of trade sanctions imposition by WTO’s dispute settlement body has compelled countries to extend ‘mitrata’ to other countries on trade issues in general, including issues relating to recognition and protection of foreign intellectual property. However, political impasses and the rise of bilateral and regional trade agreements have had a chilling effect on trade multilateralism in recent times.


  • Intellectual property and Trade multilateralism
  • WIPO and WTO as originators of international intellectual legal norms
  • India’s participation in multilateral, regional, and bilateral trade negotiations.
  • India, International Trade Disputes and Trade Sanctions.
  • India’s Goal of Viksit Bharat by 2047 and Related Intellectual Property Diplomacy Roadmap.

Submission Process:

The full paper, along with the abstract, must reach the editors on or before November 20, 2024 HERE

Publication Fee- NIL

For more details, refer here



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