Call for Papers! Transitioning to Circular Economies in a Transnational Legal Order!

Call for Papers! Transitioning to Circular Economies in a Transnational Legal Order!

Theoretical, empirical, and doctrinal contributions are invited on circular economy and the law with the intention of submitting a Symposium Collection for publication in Transnational Environmental Law, a journal dedicated to the understanding of the distribution of authority beyond the State, which play a role in environmental legal formation. This Symposium Collection aims to contribute to the emerging field of circular economy and the law by focusing on its transnational dimensions.

The deadline for paper submissions (8,000 words) is set for 13 January 2025. 

Call for Papers

Papers might explore, for example, but are not be limited to the following:

• Multi-level governance dimensions of transitioning to a circular economy;

• Balancing net zero legal objectives with a transition to a circular economy;

• How global value chains and trade law will need to change to facilitate a transition to a circular economy;

• The impacts on informal material economies of circular economy law;

• How global standards help or hinder a transition to a circular economy globally;

• Why epistemological diversity is integral achieving a just and resilient global circular legal order;

• Contribution of non-state actors to shaping and regulating circular economy;

• Transnational impacts of circular economy policy proposals compared to existing regulatory frameworks on the protection of the environment;

• Whether the (proposed) circular economy approaches change the emphasis or, more importantly, effect a substantive transformation of legal tools and techniques;

• How circular economy principles could improve a legally binding plastic pollution treaty;

• Tensions between globalization and localization of circular economy governance; and

• Environmental justice issues raided by circular economy legal initiatives issues.


  • Paper submission deadline -13 January 2025
  • Convenor Feedback to authors together with notification of decision – 17 March 2025
  • Submission to Transnational Environmental Law for publication- 12 May 2025

For more details, refer here



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