CfP: International Seminar on Dynamics of Internal Law in the Current Global Order- Contemporary Developments and Future Trajectories at Surendranath Law College, Submit by Abstract by Oct 20



Themes :

  • The Role of the UN in Upholding the Principles of International Law
  • Threats to State Sovereignty Undermining International Order
  • International Law and Diplomacy
  • International Rule of Law
  • The Advent of Humanitarian Intervention
  • Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide
  • International and National Intellectual Property Rights Laws
  • Refugee and Migration
  • International Response to Global terrorism
  • Nuclear and Conventional Arms Proliferation and International Law
  • International law related to Global Political Economy
  • Major Organizational Edifices of Enforcing International Law
  • International Environmental Law
  • International Law and Global Commons
  • International Criminal Court and the Rome Statute
  • The Role and Significance of the International Court of Justice in International Relations
  • International Space Law
  • Technology and Law: Cyber Crimes
  • Third World Approach to Reform of International Law
  • Global Cosmopolitanism, Global Justice and International Relations


Eligibility :

Faculty members from different universities and colleges, project fellows, researchers, academicians, post graduate and under graduate students are invited to contribute their abstracts and full papers on topics pertaining to the sub themes outlined for the seminar.


How to Submit?

The papers shall be of 8000 words only. The last date of submitting the abstracts within 300 words and 4 to 5 key words is 20th October 2024 at the mail id: [email protected]. The selected abstracts would be informed by 25th October 2024.

The last date for submission for full papers at the mail id: [email protected] is 5th November 2024.The top 25 papers will be selected for publication in a book with ISBN. Selected contributors would be informed subsequently of a registration fee for the purpose of publication costs.


Submission Guidelines :

  • Author(s) Name, Organisation, Paper Title, Email Id and Contact Number to be stated clearly in both abstract and full paper.
  • The author must opt for a topic from the sub-themes itself, or may bring any other topic of his choice, based on any related issue.
  • The abstract should be submitted through registration link only. All submissions should be uploaded in .doc/.docx format only. No PDF format shall be entertained.
  • Only original papers will be considered for the seminar. No part of it should have been published anywhere else, nor should it be a publication or contest elsewhere.
  • Only one submission per author is allowed.
  • Co-authorship of maximum two authors is permitted (excluding the main author)
  • Any form of plagiarism will result in disqualification
  • Identification mark of the author or affiliated institution (if any) should not be found on the paper.
  • Abstracts of not more than 300 words for the original research paper s on the above mentioned themes are invited.
  • The full length paper should be within 8000 words including footnotes.
  • All abstracts/ papers must be written in
    (a) Font- Times New Roman
    (b)Font Size -12
    (c) Line Spacing -1.5
    (d)Footnote Font Size-10, without line spacing
  • All submissions must be submitted in .doc/.docx format only.
  • Plagiarism is permitted to the maximum extent of 20% of the article submitted.
  • The submission must be the original work of the author(s) i.e. shouldn’t be plagiarized and also should be free from grammatical, spelling and other errors. It must also not contain any defamatory words.
  • Potential contributors are required to adhere to a uniform mode of citation.
  • The top 25 papers will be selected for publication in a book with ISBN.


Contact :

Dr. Shubhodeep Chakrabarti: 7980261507
Dr. Caesar Roy: 9434320999
Dr. Rukmini Thapa: 9833125236
Email id: [email protected]


Click here to register.



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