Call for Papers by “Indian Journal for Research in Law & Legal Procedures”; [IJRLLP Vol III ]: Submit by December 10, 2024

About the Journal

The ‘Indian Journal for Research in Law and Legal Procedures’ (IJRLLP) is an open accessed, qualitatively reviewed and high-grade resource arena dedicated specifically towards the publication of prominent research papers & articles annually and thereby clustering them on a wide-ranging landscape of emerging National legal issues and thereby prospering the balance of overall laws and legal scenarios around the globe within one legal sphere.


Who can Submit?

IJRLLP plans to encourage law students, educators, and researchers to compose papers on different contemporary issues and capture the recent drifts in law. IJRLLP welcomes articles, short notes, book reviews, and case commentaries for its forthcoming issue. IJRLLP provides a platform for the trading of thoughts and helpful discussions on legitimate issues encompassing knowledge exchange, conditions, and advancement of legal procedures around the globe and its comprehensive study.



IJRLLP welcomes all issues/ contemporary issues pertaining to the law domain (National).

Types Of Submissions Accepted

IJRLLP welcomes original and unpublished articles, short notes, book reviews, and case commentaries for its forthcoming issue pertaining to the law domain (National) under the following categories-

● Short Notes: (1500-2000 words).

● Long Articles: (4000-9000 words).

● Book Reviews: (2000-3000 words).

● Case Commentaries: (2000-2500 words).


General Instructions

● Authors shall provide an abstract in not less than ‘250 words’ explaining the context of their script. Formatted in ‘Italics’, the abstract shall be executed as a single paragraph.

● A list of ’07 to 10 keywords’ shall be provided by the authors for indexing purposes. The keywords should be wisely picked up for gaining a better reach.

● Authors & Co-authors shall provide their full name along with their communication details mentioned on the title page itself.

● IJRLLP follows the ‘OSCOLA’ Referencing style (4th edition) of citing references. Authors shall under all circumstances attempt referencing every cited text in the script.

● IJRLLP under any circumstances shall not tolerate plagiarised data to be forwarded for final submission in its online portal. It shall be the duty of the editors to review the script for any plagiarised content and if found, the same shall be communicated to the author for their final review.

● IJRLLP ‘does not charge’ any publication fee in respect of processing the publication of scripts/research papers at its online depository.

● The complete script (which also includes footnotes/endnotes) shall be typed in English language (Font style-Bookman Old Style; Font size- 13).

● The scripts shall be formatted to A4 page ‘standard size’ and the contents shall be orderly managed in the following structure namely:


a. Title Page

b. Abstract

c. Index (topics & subtopics)

d. Introduction

e. Conclusion


Submission Guidelines :

The guidelines for publication must be strictly followed. The guidelines for publication to Journal can be accessed at


How to Submit?

IJRLLP will only accept submissions through the google form link.


Other Important Links






Submission Deadline :

Submission for Volume III will be accepted till December 10, 2024.


Contact Information

All correspondence and queries may be addressed to: [email protected]


Link to the event: Notice Board | Ijrllp

International Journal for Research in Law & Legal Procedures (IJRLLP)
Phone: +91-7827065676

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