Call for Papers: THE POLITICS OF INTERNATIONAL DISPUTE SETTLEMENT Utrecht University, 6 June 2025

Call for Papers: THE POLITICS OF INTERNATIONAL DISPUTE SETTLEMENT Utrecht University, 6 June 2025

Although international courts and tribunals (ICTs) decide on legal questions, the cases brought before them, the formulation of claims and counter-claims, the involvement of parties in proceedings, the avenues and procedures used to bring a complaint before the ICTs, and the outcome of such decisions are of high political relevance and operate in a socio-political context. This is true not only for the International Court of Justice (ICJ) as the highest judicial organ of an organisation that was set up to maintain peace and justice, but also of other specialised and regional courts, arbitrations, and other dispute resolution mechanisms.

The aim of this conference is to explore the legal, but also the social and political, implications and consequences of decisions of the ICTs (broadly understood) within the framework of international dispute settlement. While an obvious area of study is the ICJ, we encourage submissions on other international and regional ICTs, such as (but not limited to) the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, the CJEU, regional human rights courts and other treaty-based bodies, the World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Body, International Labour Organisation, and arbitration procedures that involve States, to name a few. We also encourage submissions that address these issues from the perspective of a specific region, in an effort to broaden our understanding of dispute settlement practices and approaches. Submissions on theoretical, procedural, or substantive matters from academics, practitioners, judges, State officials and representatives, as well as experts from other relevant fields are welcome.

If this topic appeals to you, please submit your short biography and an abstract of no more than 500 words to Alexandra Hofer ([email protected]) by 15 January 2025.

Selected participants will be expected to submit a paper (circa 6000 words) by Friday, 16 May 2025, which will be considered for future publication in an edited volume.

For more details, refer here


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