Call for Applications: Post-doctoral researcher in compliance and law enforcement (criminal law)

Call for Applications: Post-doctoral researcher in compliance and law enforcement (criminal law)

The University of Luxembourg is an international research university with a distinctly multilingual and interdisciplinary character.

The Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance (FDEF) at the University of Luxembourg offers a unique academic and research environment.
Rooted in Luxembourg but with a European and international outlook, 
teaching and research benefit from the proximity of the European institutions, Luxembourg’s leading international financial centre and its vibrant business community. Institutional and private sector partnerships, sponsored Chairs and a growing network of international partner universities make the FDEF a dynamic academic hub at the heart of Europe.

Your role
  • Conducting research and contributing to other activities falling into the scope of the research projects, in particular: drafting research papers, prepare the scientific materials of project meetings; contributing to project events’ organisation; contributing to the promotion of research results
  • Conducting own research in the related topics and publication of articles in scientific reviews and contributions to conferences
  • Assisting with teaching activities, one to three hours a week and contribute to tutoring students
  • Contributing to preparing further research proposals
  • Offering research assistance and coordinating young researchers working in the same field
Your profile

We are looking for a candidate with a PhD in Law, preferably with a specialisation in EU/international/national criminal law/criminal procedure and/or IT/law&technology and/or banking/financial law (N.B. applications from PhD candidates who will have started their final year of doctoral studies before that date may be considered).

In particular, the following requirements apply:

  • Strong interest in criminal law or procedure, law and technology, and/or banking and financial law, as well as in interdisciplinary research; academic or practical experience in topics linked to the research will be considered an advantage
  • Proven ability to autonomously conduct research at a post-doctoral level
  • Fluency in written English; good understanding of a second language, preferably French or German, would be considered an advantage
  • Excellent communication and writing skills
  • Good IT skills
  • Curiosity and self-motivation
  • Proven ability to work individually as well as part of a team
How to apply

Applications should include:

  • A motivation letter
  • A copy of the PhD diploma or a letter indicating the expected defense date
  • A detailed curriculum vitae with a complete bibliography of published works
  • Copy of a publication
  • The name, current position and relationship to the applicant, of one referee

Early application is highly encouraged, as the applications will be processed upon reception. Please apply ONLINE formally through the HR system. Applications by Email will not be considered.

All qualified individuals are encouraged to apply. In line with our values, the University of Luxembourg promotes an inclusive culture. We encourage applications from individuals of all backgrounds and are dedicated to upholding equality and respect for our employees and students.

For more details, refer here

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