Call for Papers: Sociology in the Times of Genocide, Deadline: 13th January 2025

Call for Papers: Sociology in the Times of Genocide, Deadline: 13th January 2025

The Sociological Review journal is now inviting expressions of interest to contribute to a forthcoming Special Section of the journal, focusing on the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

We invite papers that carefully engage with the genocide in Gaza and other places experiencing war and genocide, and examine how we can learn through them to challenge injustice and envision alternative futures. This might include such topics as:

  • critical reflections on the production of myriad-cides: genocide, ecocide, urbicide, epistemicide and scholasticide
  • building decolonial pedagogies and nurturing liberatory frameworks of knowledge and within the sociological curriculum
  • social reproduction and care
  • academic freedom, censorship and complicity
  • solidarity practices, resistance and activism.

We particularly encourage contributions from Palestinian, Lebanese and Sudanese scholars and early career researchers. In recognition of the challenges that writing in times of genocide might bring, we are happy to discuss and offer additional writing and editorial support in preparing contributions.

The deadline for expressions of interest, via the submission of a 400-word abstract, is 13 January 2025.

We will notify you of our decision by early February 2025. If your proposed contribution is accepted for inclusion in the Special Section, we will ask you to submit your completed paper by 13 June 2025.

For more details, refer here

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