Call for Submissions: GNLU’s Journal of Law and Technology, (ISSN: 3048-9989)
We are pleased to announce that Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar is inviting submissions for its Journal of Law and Technology (ISSN: 3048-9989 (Print)) on rolling basis. For further details, please read their call and the guidelines below-
Call for Submissions: GNLU’s Journal of Law and Technology
About the Journal
Gujarat National Law University (GNLU) is the statutory university established by the Government of Gujarat under the Gujarat National Law University Act, 2003 and is the seventh National Law School in order of its establishment in India. The University is recognized by the Bar Council of India (BCI) and the University Grants Commission (UGC). The university is located at Gandhinagar, which is the capital of Gujarat State within India and is located around 23 kilometers north of the city of Ahmedabad.
The developments in the different fields of science and technology, its pervasiveness amongst the application in daily life and the escalating number of legal issues revolving around these fields, is resulting focus on legal professionals possessing an eclectic mixture of knowledge of science and technology with the law.
- Articles (minimum 5000 words, excluding footnotes).
- Essays (3500-5000 words, excluding footnotes).
- Book Reviews/Case Commentary/ Short Notes (2000-3500 words, excluding footnotes).
The word limit prescribed shall be adhered to.
Submission Procedure
- All submissions must be made to gjlt[at]gnlu[dot]ac[dot]in with the subject “Manuscript Submission for GNLU Journal of Law and Technology”.
- The submissions with the journal are open throughout the year and manuscript(s) will be considered for any particular issue based on the completion of the review process and the availability of space in a particular volume of the journal.
For more details, refer here