Call for Applications: for Law Clerk-cum-Research Associates on short-term contractual assignment at Supreme Court of India

Call for Applications: for Law Clerk-cum-Research Associates on short-term contractual assignment at Supreme Court of India

Online applications are invited in terms of “Scheme of Engaging Law Clerkcum-Research Associates on Short-Term Contractual Assignment in the Supreme Court of India- January 2024” for preparation of a panel of approximately 90 candidates for engagement as Law Clerk-cum-Research Associates in the Supreme Court of India purely on contractual assignment initially on a consolidated remuneration of ₹80,000/- per month for the assignment term 2025-2026.

The selection will be made subject to fulfillment of the following essential qualifications and other eligibility conditions. It is made clear that the engagement as Law Clerk-cum-Research Associate is a full time assignment, purely contractual in nature. It will not confer any right on the selected candidates to claim regular appointment/continuance in service in the Supreme Court of India. Further, such engagement may be terminated by the Registry at any point of time with prescribed notice. A Law Clerk will not accept any other assignment during their assignment term as Law Clerk. They shall not practise as an Advocate in any Court of Law during the course of their assignment term as Law Clerks.

Essential Qualifications:

(i) The candidate must be a Law Graduate (before taking up the assignment as Law Clerk) having a Bachelor Degree in Law (including Integrated Degree Course in Law) from any School/College/University/Institution established by law in India and recognized by the Bar Council of India for enrolment as an Advocate.

The candidate studying in the fifth year of the Five-Year Integrated Law Course or the third year of the Three-Year Law Course after graduation in any stream will also be eligible to apply, subject to furnishing proof of acquiring Law qualification before taking up the assignment as Law Clerkcum-Research Associate.

(iii) The candidate must have research and analytical skills, writing abilities, and knowledge of computers, including retrieval of desired information from various search engines/processes such as e-SCR, Manupatra, SCC Online, LexisNexis, Westlaw etc.

Age Limit:

Closing Date for online applications:

The starting date for online registration of application is 14.01.2025 and last date thereof is 07.02.2025 at 23:55 Hours. The candidate must not be below the age of 20 years and above 32 years as on 07.02.2025.

For more details, refer here


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