Call for Applications: for Paid Internship Opportunity at the Bureau of Police Research & Development

Call for Applications: for Paid Internship Opportunity at the Bureau of Police Research & Development

Application Deadline- 31 January 2025

The Bureau of Police Research & Development (BPR&D) was established in 1970 for assisting the Central Government in coordinating the efforts in the field of Police training and research. The Bureau undertakes systematic studies of Police and Prison problems and is responsible for promoting the application of science and technology to police work, improving and developing training programmes for the Police Forces at Centre and States and for prison personnel of different ranks. The BPR&D advises the Ministry of Home Affairs on Police and Prison matters on technical and operational aspects. It also advises the Central Government in matters of development and modernization of Police Forces. The Bureau has the following Divisions:

1. Research & Correctional Administration

2. Training

3. Modernization & Technology Development

4. National Police Mission

5. Statistical & Publication

6. Administration


The BPR&D offers two internships plans viz.,

  • Internship for a period of One Month (30 days) in a calendar month.- The total number of working days should not be less than 22 days.
  • Internship for a period of Two Month (60 days) in a calendar month.- The total number of working days should not be less than 44 days.


The selected Interns from outside Delhi will be allowed Sleeper Class train fare to New Delhi and back to their place of study through the shortest route. All selected interns will be paid an amount of Rs.8,000/- (Rupees Eight Thousand only) as a stipend for a calendar month.

For more details, refer here


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