Call for paper: Mentoring and Coaching as Pathways to Social Justice in Education

Mentoring and Coaching as Pathways to Social Justice in Education

In a social and political climate where social justice educators and scholars must constantly resist challenges to their curriculum and research, this special issue seeks empirical and theoretical articles that address mentoring and coaching as pathways to social justice leadership in PreK-12, higher education, and other educational spaces. The special issue will expand the literature on social justice mentoring and coaching by providing practical and applicable insights for mentors/coaches and their mentees. As guest editors, we ask authors to envision other scholars hoping to do this work as their audience members.

With the education sector facing renewed challenges to social justice practice, research, and theory, mentors and coaches in education spaces support the next generation of social justice leaders. This special issue offers guidance for mentors/coaches and mentees as they walk their unique journeys together. Mentorship and coaching look different for every mentee-mentor/coach partnership. Mentorship and coaching also looks different from the perspectives of mentees and mentors/coaches. This special issue will offer both.

While we invite solo authors, we also hope some of the articles in this special issue will serve as mentoring/coaching opportunities and, as such, invite mentees to write with their mentors and coaches.

List of topic areas

We seek submissions from authors from around the world that explore, but are not limited to, questions such as:

  • How does geographic context play into social justice mentoring and coaching?
  • What does social justice mentoring and coaching look like globally, considering the various socio-political factors that shape education?
  • As another wave of reform builds, how do we encourage more scholars to use their research to amplify marginalized voices?
  • How do we recruit more scholars to be thought leaders in PreK-12 school systems, higher education reform, and other educational spaces?
  • How is your mentoring/coaching model organized to advance social justice in PreK-12, higher education, or other educational spaces?
  • How is your mentoring/coaching model an enactment of social justice for PreK-12 leadership, higher education, or educational practice in general?
  • How are social justice values and practices embedded and practiced in your partnership?
  • How does your mentoring/coaching partnership address the personal and professional challenges of social justice leadership?
  • How does your mentoring/coaching partnership address the self-care and well-being of the social justice leader?
  • What theories or mentorship/coaching philosophies guide your partnership?
  • What frameworks are helpful for determining if one is prepared to be a mentor/coach (to anyone) in social justice work?
  • What does your partnership look like concerning freedom, power, reciprocity, and collaboration?
  • How do you navigate power dynamics in your mentoring/coaching partnership?
  • How do you, as partners, define and prioritize scholarly activities you believe are essential for social justice work?

Submissions Information

Authors can send their 3-5 page abstracts (Word or PDF document) to the Lead Guest Editor, Lok-Sze Wong ([email protected]). Please include the subject line “IJMCE Social Justice Special Issue”. Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by March 10, 2025 and invited to submit their full manuscripts by July 1, 2025.

Submissions are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts. Registration and access are available here.

Author guidelines must be strictly followed.

Authors should select (from the drop-down menu) the special issue title at the appropriate step in the submission process, i.e. in response to “Please select the issue you are submitting to”.

Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.

Click here to submit!

Key deadlines

Abstract submission deadline (due to Guest Editors): 17th February, 2025

Authors notified of Abstract Acceptance: 10th March, 2025

Full Manuscripts Due for Accepted Abstracts: 1st July, 2025

For more details refer here


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