Call for papers: Resilience in Entrepreneurship Research: Moving the Field Forward

Resilience in Entrepreneurship Research: Moving the Field Forward

In today’s world, recurrent crises driven by political tensions, economic downturns, disease outbreaks, natural disasters and climate change create challenging conditions for the success of entrepreneurial initiatives (Newman, Obschonka, & Block, 2022; Sharma, Kraus, Liguori, Bamel, & Chopra, 2022). In that context, resilience has become a focal point in entrepreneurship research to understand how several entrepreneurial actors (e.g., individual, organization, or community) can prepare for, deal with and learn from turbulent and complex situations to turn major crisis events into a successful survival story (DiBella, Forrest, Burch, Rao‐Williams, Ninomiya, & Hermelingmeier, 2023; Hartmann, Backmann, Newman, Brykman, & Pidduck, 2022; Nautiyal & Pathak, 2023).

However, prior research has barely incorporated the idiosyncratic nature of each entrepreneurial level and actor in their reflection. This fact could justify a focus on entrepreneurial resilience in specific types of individuals, organizational contexts and socio-economic systems. Building on this ongoing debate, we invite scholars to submit papers for this special issue on resilience in entrepreneurial contexts to advance our understanding of how individuals, organizations and communities navigate adversity to foster entrepreneurial success in the long run.

List of topic areas

We encourage contributions that are focused on, but not limited to, the following themes:

• Antecedents of and relationships among multiple and diverse entrepreneurial actors and resilience;
• Multi-level determinants of entrepreneurial actors and their implications for firms’ resilience and success;
• Processes and mechanisms through which organizations develop entrepreneurial resilience;
• Implications of entrepreneurial actors for different types of firm outcomes and different resilience mechanisms;
• Studies about successful and unsuccessful organizations and their resilience mechanisms;
• Time and temporal considerations in entrepreneurial resilience (e.g., short-term and long-term, temporal evolution, timing and sequencing of resilient behaviors, environmental jolts and external/internal crises, etc.);
• Impact of different entrepreneurial actors on firm resilience behavior and outcomes, in areas such as human resource management, internationalization, diversification, professionalization, alliances, etc.;
• Established concepts related to entrepreneurial resilience such as family business or sustainability;
• Multi- and cross-disciplinary perspectives on entrepreneurial resilience (e.g., psychology, sociology, politics, economics);

Submissions Information

Submissions are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts. Registration and access are available here:

Author guidelines must be strictly followed.

Authors should select (from the drop-down menu) the special issue title at the appropriate step in the submission process, i.e. in response to “Please select the issue you are submitting to”.

Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.

Key Deadlines

Opening date for manuscript submissions: 1 April 2025
Closing date for manuscript submissions: 1 December 2025

For more details refer here


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