Call for paperSIAM International Meshing Roundtable Workshop 2023 & 2024 Special Issue

SIAM International Meshing Roundtable Workshop 2023 & 2024 Special Issue

This special issue of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) will showcase a selected group of papers from those accepted for presentation at the SIAM International Meshing Roundtable Workshop 2023 and 2024 (SIAM IMR 2023/24). We propose to invite the publication of around ten full-length technical papers in this Special Issue which will be extended and updated versions of work presented at the SIAM IMR 2023/24. The selection of candidate papers will be carried out by the members of the Organizing Committee of the SIAM IMR 2023/24. Their selection will be based on their technical innovation and quality, on their contribution to the state-of-the-art, and also on how well they were received at the conference. The papers selected for this Special Issue will be peer-reviewed by distinguished and tenured members of the community to ensure that the articles meet high technical standards of presentation and technical content, and that they represent a valuable scientific contribution.


Mesh generation

Guest editors:

David Moxey, PhD
King’s College London, London, UKEmail: [email protected]
(High-order finite element methods; curvilinear mesh generation, computational fluid dynamics)

Eloi Ruiz-Gironés, PhD
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Barcelona, SpainEmail: [email protected]
(Mesh generation, high-order meshes, unstructured high-order methods)

Ruben Sevilla, PhD
Swansea University, Swansea, Wales, UKEmail: [email protected]
(High-order methods; Computer aided design; Computational fluid dynamics)

Ketan Mittal, PhD
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, USAEmail: [email protected]
(High-order meshes; Mesh optimization; High-order methods; High Performance Computing)

Yongjie Jessica Zhang, PhD
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USAEmail: [email protected]
(Computational Geometry, Mesh Generation, Isogeometric Analysis, Finite Element Method, Data-Driven Modeling, Image Processing)

This Special Issue is by Guest Editor invitation-only.


Submission Open Date *07/01/2025

Final Manuscript Submission Deadline *31/03/2025

Editorial Acceptance Deadline *30/06/2025

For more details refer here


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