Call for Applications: for 18-month part time fellowship, at Amnesty International (AI)
Amnesty International (AI) invites applications for an 18-month part time fellowship that will explore the nexus of closing civic space and stories of resistance globally. Fellows will analyze current trends and context, emerging resistance and rights movements as well as causes for concern. They will convene ideas for a tool kit of resistance that can be useful for activists working and resisting shrinking civic space all over the world. The fellows will be spread globally but convening periodically to share learnings and co-create a praxis of human rights based activism and resistance to authoritarianism.
Essential Requirements
- Language:
This project will require fluency in written and spoken English. Fluency in one or more regional languages to which the project proposal relates is desirable.
- Location:
This project will not include relocation. Therefore, the consultant will be required to work from their preferred location, and will be required to already possess work authorization to do so.
- Experience:
The consultant is expected to have experience working with or on issues of resistance to civic space either formally in academia or in NGOs, in grass roots organisations, in non-formal groups and movements or in professional spaces that include journalism, tech and human rights activism. The consultant is expected to possess knowledge of the region on which the consultant will submit the project proposal. Experience is not quantified in this call for applications in acknowledgement of the non-formal engagements of people in human rights activism and to encourage a diverse pool of candidates to apply for this role. Experience writing on human rights issues involved in shrinking civic space and resistance movements to authoritarian practices will be essential for this role.
- Qualifications/ Certifications:
Specific qualifications or certifications are not required for this consultancy in order to encourage a diverse group of applicants. Minimum expertise for this role will require knowledge of human rights frameworks, experience in activism on civic space, and past work and writing on civic space issues.
For more details, refer here