Call for Paper: Transdisciplinary approaches to knowledge production and problem solving to tackle grand societal challenges

Transdisciplinary approaches to knowledge production and problem solving to tackle grand societal challenges

Transdisciplinarity is driven by the need to solve complex real-world problems. It is characterised by the transgression of disciplinary and sectorial boundaries, common goal setting and the creation of a higher-level synthesis or convergence of knowledge. It shares common features with its sister concept, interdisciplinary, yet differs in that it additionally places emphasis on the participation of non-academic actors and practitioners in the process of knowledge production and problem solving. In broad terms, transdisciplinary approaches are often characterised as being: interdisciplinary, collaborative beyond traditional academia, integrative, reflexive, problem-focused or purpose-oriented, participatory and interactive.

This collection focuses on transdisciplinarity in policymaking and research practice, particularly as applied to efforts to find solutions to societal and global challenges.

Perspectives are welcomed on a range of themes, including but not limited to:

  • Philosophies and theories underpinning transdisciplinarity
  • Conceptual and methodological approaches to transdisciplinary research
  • Transdisciplinary research models (e.g., training, teaching and participatory projects)
  • The role of transdisciplinarity in the policymaking process from conception to implementation
  • Case studies of successful, innovative and landmark transdisciplinary projects
  • Transdisciplinary research in the context of societal power relations and institutional structures
  • Approaches to the integration of the values, knowledge, know-how and expertise of non-academic stakeholders in collaborative research
  • Relationship of transdisciplinarity to related concepts (e.g., interdisciplinarity, co-production, and integration and implementation sciences)
  • Limitations of and blockers (e.g., structural, disciplinary) to the adoption of transdisciplinary approaches

Note: Research papers that do not explicitly relate to ‘transdisciplinarity’ will not be considered for this collection, but will be processed, if otherwise appropriate, for potential publication in the general section of the journal.

Submitting a paper for consideration


To submit your manuscript for consideration at Humanities & Social Sciences Communications as part of this Collection, please follow the steps detailed on this page. On the first page of our online submission system, please select your article type from the drop down menu. When on the “details” tab, you will be presented with the option to select which Collection your article should be submitted to. Authors should also express their interest in the Collection in their cover letter.

Accepted papers are published on a rolling basis as soon as they are ready.

Submission status:- Open
Submission deadline:-
For more details refer here

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