Call for Papers: DNLU Student Law Journal, Volume IV, Deadline: 25th March 2025

Call for Papers: DNLU Student Law Journal, Volume IV, Deadline: 25th March 2025

About the University

Dharmashastra National Law University (DNLU) is a National Law University that was established in 2018 by the Madhya Pradesh Dharmashastra National Law University Act, 2018 to serve as a center of pre-eminence for legal education. With a steadfast commitment to its motto “speak the truth and conduct in accordance with Dharma”, the University strives to disseminate quality education and nurture a vibrant legal culture through practical training and simulated exercises. It seeks to inculcate a sense of responsibility to serve the society in the field of law in the students and research scholars, thus contribute towards national development.

About the journal

Dharmashastra National Law University–Student Law Journal (DNLU-SLJ) is a peerreviewed, student-run academic journal that endeavours to advance rigorous research spanning across various facets of law such as comparative, global and transdisciplinary perspectives. As a flagship initiative of DNLU, the journal was conceptualized to provide a distinctive platform for expressing opinions, thoughts and views of the student fraternity by publications in the form of scholarly articles, research papers, book reviews and case comments


Any relevant theme pertaining to contemporary scholarly works on all fields of law will be welcome for consideration.

Submission Categories

  • Manuscripts on any topic of contemporary legal relevance meeting the below mentioned criteria are welcome:
  • Long Articles: 4,000-8,000 words
  • Short Article: 3,000-4,000 words
  • Case Notes/ Legislative Comments: 2,000-3,000 words
  • Book Reviews: 1,000-2,000 words

Submission Deadline

Submissions must be made on or before 25 March 2024.

For more details, refer here


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