Call for papers: “Exploring Future Crimes: Technologies, Digitalization, and Malleable Criminality” Abstract Submission Deadline- 31 March 2025
The Asian Journal of Criminology invites submissions to a special issue on “Exploring Future Crimes: Technologies, Digitalization, and Malleable Criminality.” The issue will be Guest-Edited by Benoît Dupont (University of Montreal, Canada), Claire Seungeun Lee (University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA), Milind Tiwari (Charles Sturt University, Australia), and You Zhou (Monash University, Australia).
Key Dates
Full manuscripts due via Editorial Manager: August 15th, 2025.
Optional extended abstracts may be submitted to [email protected] through March 31st, 2025.
This special issue seeks to publish original research that adopts a cutting-edge approach to advancing understanding of the malleable nature of future crimes within and beyond Asian contexts. Future crimes refer not only to offenses that may emerge in the future but also to current criminalities that will continue to evolve.
We are particularly interested in conceptual, theoretical, and empirical research that explores future crimes in the global context, including but not limited to:
- The interplays between new technologies, digitalization, and future crimes;
- The conceptualization, typology, and terminology of future crimes;
- Theoretical adaptability in understanding future crimes;
- Trends in discovered and evolutionary future crimes;
- Gender-based future crimes;
- Prevention, policing, and correction of future crimes;
- Legislation, regulation, and policy-making on future crimes; and
- Methodological innovations in understanding future crimes.
For more details, refer here