Call for Applications: 15th DOCTORAL SEMINAR ON INTERNATIONAL AND EU TAX LAW, September 8 and 9, 2025
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna), in cooperation with the University of Bergamo, the University of Groningen, Heidelberg University, the KU Leuven, the UCLouvain, the University of Linz, the University of Luxembourg, and the University of Valencia, invites you to the 15th DOCTORAL SEMINAR ON INTERNATIONAL AND EU TAX LAW
Vienna University of Economics and Business (Austria)
September 8 and 9, 2025
The Seminar is open to Ph.D. candidates in the fields of international, European and comparative tax law. Ph.D. candidates in their second and third year are invited to present their research projects and/or major results, depending on the level of progress. Each presentation will be followed by feedback and discussion with a panel consisting of tax professors and leading experts from practice, including EU institutions. In order to allow sufficient time for in-depth debates and valuable feedback, not more than 12 presentations will be admitted. To stimulate debate and dissemination of ideas, however, a certain number of first year Ph.D. candidates may also be accepted to participate without giving a presentation.
The seminar will be held at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna) in Vienna, Austria. Lunches, snacks, coffee and dinner will be provided by the organizers. Participants should be able and willing to bear their own costs of travel and accommodation. If you require financial support, please indicate that you wish to apply for a travel grant.
Please send your application by e-mail to Robbe Basteleurs ([email protected]) on or before 15 June 2025
All applicants will be informed by 30 June 2025 if their application has been accepted.
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna) Welthandelsplatz 1, Building D3, Seminar Room D3.2.243 1020 Vienna, Austria
Travel and Accomodation
Details will follow separately. Participants should be able and willing to bear their own costs of travel and accommodation. If you require financial support, please indicate that you wish to apply for a travel grant.
For more details, refer here