Call for Applications: re:constitution Fellowships 2025/2026, Deadline: 3 April 2025
We invite applications for 15 Fellowships in two tracks for the period from October 2025 until July 2026.
Based on a unique concept centred around Europe-wide mobility for collaboration combined with opportunities of exchange and a European Alumni Network, the Fellowship programme provides the opportunity for early-career scholars and practitioners to work and publish on an issue related to democracy and the rule of law in Europe.
Deadline: 3 April 2025, 12 noon CEST
Stipend: € 2.500 per month during mobility periods between October 2025 and July 2026
The re:constitution Fellowship?
The rule of law and democracy are interlinked and mutually reinforcing, however increasingly contested in Europe. A growing European Union needs to rest on a broad consensus of the rule of law and democracy and its components such as freedom, equality and dignity as primary common principles ensuring legitimacy and stability in Europe and beyond. In light of the existing and future challenges in the European Union and its neighbourhood, re:constitution aims to strengthen the common ground for the rule of law and democratic principles by encouraging pan-European mobility, interdisciplinary debate and the formation of a network of scholars and practitioners of law and democracy. Since 2019, re:constitution annually awards Fellowships to early- and mid-career scholars and practitioners to work on individual projects related to the rule of law and democracy in Europe. The programme enables Fellows to contribute to the debate on the state and future of the constitution of democracy and rule of law in Europe, encourages critical debates across and within national positions, across academia and practice. Based on a unique concept centred around Europe-wide mobility for collaboration combined with opportunities of exchange and a European Alumni Network, the Fellowship programme is designed to contribute to safeguarding and strengthening the rule of law, democracy and the respect of fundamental rights.
re:constitution Fellowships are designed for both academics and practitioners and will be awarded for the period from October 2025 to July 2026. The Fellowships are offered in two tracks to better accommodate individual professional requirements and personal circumstances of the applicants. Fellows from both tracks will have equal access to all parts of the programme and together they will constitute the interdisciplinary and international re:constitution cohort of 2025/26.
re:constitution invites applications from residents* in the European Union, non-EU EEA countries, EU candidate countries in active accession negotiations or pursuing the start of negotiations,** as well as from residents in Switzerland and the United Kingdom in the early stages of their careers as
- SCHOLARS (Track 1)holding/finishing a PhD in law/legal studies and/or political sciences, social sciences, philosophy or other neighbouring disciplines (focusing on issues on and around democracy
and/or the rule of law in Europe). Your PhD research should either be almost completed or should have been completed no more than 10 years ago. Scholars who are still working on their dissertation may be eligible if their PhD will be completed within one year. - PRACTITIONERS (Track 1 and 2) such as
- Government officials (e.g. policy advisors) from central authorities and local selfgovernment bodies,
- Judges, magistrates, prosecutors, law clerks and other legal professions or practising lawyers (attorneys),
- NGO/think tank legal/policy experts working on the rule of law and/or democracy in Europe,
- Journalists reporting on the rule of law and/or democracy in Europe,
- General researchers/legal experts working on questions pertaining to the rule of law and/or democracy in Europe.
How to apply
Please submit your application via our secure online application platform by 3 April 2025, 12 noon CEST:
Please make sure to choose the correct Fellowship Track (1 or 2) when starting the application process. We only accept one application per person.
Important! Applications by e-mail will not be considered!
As part of your application, you will be asked to prepare and upload the following:
• Curriculum vitae including a list of publications (2-3 pages),
• Project outline (max. 1500 words)
• Short abstract of your project (max. 300 words),
• Two references (university faculty members or practitioners in a field relevant to your project).
Please note: Letters of recommendation are NOT REQUIRED.
• Potential host institutions (your preferred research and practice institutions in Europe to spend part of your mobility period, ideally including an indication of preferred dates and/or existing personal contacts. By the time of submitting your application you are not yet required to organise your stays.)
The working language of re:constitution is English.
The diversity of our societies should also be reflected in the Fellowships. We therefore welcome applicants of all cultural and social backgrounds, ages, religions, world views, disabilities or sexual identities. The applications will be evaluated by an evaluation committee of scholars and practitioners working in the fields of democracy and the rule of law. All applicants will be informed of the outcome of the evaluation process by early July 2025.
For more details, refer here