Call For Paper: HPNLU Journal of Law, Business and Economics (volume-1)

The HPNLU Journal of Law, Business and Economics, (Volume 1) invites scholarly contributions for the maiden issue. The first volume of the Journal is scheduled to be published online in the month of December 2022.

The journal solicits scholarly contributions relating to legal cum theoretical developments in the field of Law, Business and Economics.
The last date for submission of contributions is October 30, 2022.
Selection of entries shall be based on double-blind peer review.
Submission shall be accepted only through email, and the same need to be captioned as “Submission to HPNLU-JLBE ”.<Title of Contribution>

The HPNLU Journal of Law, Business and Economics is an annual double-blind peer- reviewed journal of the Centre for Law Business and Economics, Himachal Pradesh National Law University Shimla. The Journal aims to be a forum that engages and promotes scholarly research works amongst academicians, researchers and students interested in areas like business law, trade law including international trade law, economic development, international trade, taxation, investment and securities laws etc.

Contribution may be made in the form of Article, Notes & Comments and Book Review. The contribution, in any category, should be comprehensive and in-depth analysis of contemporary issues in business, economics and its interplay with law. The Journal would encourage contributions in the field of Business & Corporate Laws; Trade Law including International Trade; Banking & Insurance Law; Insolvency & Bankruptcy Law; Taxation Laws including International Taxation; Competition Law; Consumer Law and other emerging areas of corporate laws.

The following word limits should be observed:
 ARTICLES (≥6000 to <10000 words)

 ESSAYS & COMMENTS (≥4000 to<6000 words)

 Book Review (≥3000 to <4000 words)

(Contribution under this Category is required to be made along with the new hard copy of the Book.)

 Submissions shall be accepted only in the English language.
 All contributions are required to be accompanied with an ‘abstract’ of 250- 300 words. The abstract must expressly include the novelty and usefulness of the idea that the author wishes to put forth and must categorically mention the specific contribution of the article beyond the existing available literature.
 Co-authorship is allowed up to one (01) co-author only.
 The manuscript should not contain any references to the identity of the authors.
 The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 and 1.5-line spacing. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10 and single line spacing.
 For Citation, refer the HPNLU-Shimla Citation Style only. Please click here for the citation style.

Dr. Arun Klair, (Member Editorial
Board): +91-9417273800
Centre for Law, Business and Economics, Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla
16 Miles, Shimla-Mandi National Law Highway, Ghandal, Dist. Shimla 171014

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