The Austrian Review of International and European Law (ARIEL) is an annual peer-reviewed publication that provides a scholarly forum to discuss issues of public international law and European law, with particular emphasis on topics being of special interest to Austria. It focuses on theoretical as well as practical questions and current developments in all areas of public international and European law. Apart from a digest of Austrian Practice in international law, encompassing pertinent judicial decisions, executive as well as parliamentary documents, each volume contains both longer analytical articles, as well as shorter notes dealing with current developments.
The editors invite all interested persons to submit contributions for volume 28 (2023) of the ARIEL. This issue would like to focus on implications arising from the increase in inter-state complaints / proceedings on obligations which are owed to both states and individuals. Potential topics might include questions on the interplay between the fields of human rights and state responsibility (and/or potentially diplomatic protection), the relationship and tensions between the objectives and types of reparation awarded in parallel inter-state and individual proceedings, the effect on procedural conditions such as the exhaustion of local remedies, the problem of parallel proceedings and ensuing issues (eg litispendence, res judicata), potential risks and challenges arising from the increased resort to erga omnes partes proceedings, or, generally, new trends in case law.
Submissions will be examined on their academic relevance and undergo an independent double-blind peer-review process, conducted by scholars and practitioners of public international and European law.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions for analytical articles should be 8,000-12,500 words in length, including footnotes. Submission for notes on current developments should be 6,000-8,000 words in length, including footnotes. All contributions should conform to the Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA), as well as the guidelines set out in the general information for authors of the ARIEL.
Submissions should include a confirmation of exclusive submission and be sent to the managing editor ([email protected]) by 28 February 2024.
For more details, refer here