Call for Papers! 4th Annual IIHSG International Conference 2024! Submit Now!

Call for Papers! 4th Annual IIHSG International Conference 2024! Submit Now!

We are very much looking forward to hearing your ideas, engaging in discussions, and interacting with you during IIHSG International Conference 2024.

  The Conference is being organised by Interdisciplinary Institute of Human Security & Governance, Delhi in collaboration with Department of International Relations, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh & Centre for Field Learning, Ahmedabad, India.

  We invite paper proposals from across Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences, Management Studies and other disciplines for both paper presentation and participation within the broadest reach of Studies on Human Security and Global Governance.

  We will publish all submitted articles in UGC CARE journal or book with ISBN No.

To register, click here

Call for Papers

Concept Note

   The inter-linkage between the concept of human security and the challenges of implementation of its goals has acquired a new meaning and wider significance in the last couple of years due to some unavoidable global phenomena. The post-pandemic global economic slowdown is faced with other challenges from war-torn areas like Ukraine, Gaza, Myanmar & failed states like Pakistan & Afghanistan. The direct fallout has been the growing challenges of providing & maintaining of health, food & economic security for the population-cutting across borders as well as barriers of class, caste, colour, gender, religion & ethnicity. From a perspective of governance, it requires efforts, money, planning, collection & analyses of data from the ground level, a clear understanding of economic & social vulnerabilities of communities, region- specific requirements & a concerted effort by all the stakeholders – public & private- to hold up a joint architecture to meet the challenges of human security of a broad nature & on a wide scale.

  In the 4th Annual IIHSG International Conference on “Human Security & Global Governance” will try to find the seriousness of challenges, the nature of responses available & the model of governance required to thwart these challenges from a human security context.

  India is doing really great in managing human security, especially environmental security. So special session will be dedicated on India’s visionary ideas and path-breaking activities & achievements.

Sub-themes of the Conference

  •  Traditional & Non-Traditional Security: Theory & Praxis
  •  Regional Security & Role of India
  •  Women Security & Governance
  •  Child Security & Global Governance
  •  Sustainable Development Goals
  •  Environmental Security
  •  Human Security & Law
  •  Human Security Management
  •  Human Security in Science & Technology
  •  Changing Dimensions of Human Security & Governance: India & the World

Best Paper Award

  One Best Paper Award in each theme of the Conference will be awarded with a Best Paper Award Certificate and opportunity to have the paper considered for publication in UGC Care-listed Journal or Book with ISBN No. Academicians wishing to compete for the best paper award must register for the conference, and submit a 2000-2500 word paper within deadline of the paper submission of the Conference.

For more details, refer here

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