Call for Papers! JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER! Submit till 31st October 2024!

Call for Papers! JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER! Submit till 31st October 2024!



Initial submissions: from 1st May 2024 until 31st October 2024.

Initial submissions should be emailed to Professor Alex Coad at: [email protected]

This Special Issue invites critical examinations of EE theory and its empirical applications, aiming to refine and advance EE research. The special issue is intended to be a ‘safe space’ for authors to engage in bold thinking and to revisit and challenge existing assumptions using rich data, in an environment that might be more sympathetic to new ways of thinking than the usual journal publication process. It will explore the challenges EE thinking faces, including ambiguities in its definition, the remarkable heterogeneity in empirical applications, and its relevance for policy. In encouraging submissions that address these issues head-on, this Special Issue will serve as a platform for dissecting the theory’s current challenges, offering new perspectives, and proposing directions for future research.

with the title of the special issue in the subject line. Authors can submit not only full drafts of papers, but also extended abstracts (although a preference will probably exist for full drafts of papers).

Guest Editors reserve the right to promptly desk-reject initial submissions that are not well motivated in the context of the existing literature. Guest Editors see the value in all disciplinary and methodological approaches, but may have a preference for econometrics and the pursuit of causal inference compared to qualitative research.

For more details, refer here



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