Call for Applications for the 2025 Georg Arnhold Senior Fellow for Education for Sustainable Peace!

Call for Applications for the 2025 Georg Arnhold Senior Fellow for Education for Sustainable Peace!

The Leibniz Institute for Educational Media | Georg Eckert Institute (GEI) is pleased to announce the Call for Applications for the 2025 Georg Arnhold Senior Fellow for Education for Sustainable Peace.

The fellowship aims to promote education for sustainable peace with a particular focus on educational media and curricula at secondary-school level in post-conflict or transitional societies. Its principal objectives are to bridge the gap between theory and practice, to foster international scholarly exchange, and to translate research findings into practical recommendations for those active in conflict resolution, thereby contributing to civil-society capacity-building. The output from the fellowship holder’s work should therefore preferably be policy papers, educational materials, research papers, or a larger publication.


Applications are welcomed from outstanding scholars in the humanities, political and social sciences, education sciences or law, with a project firmly located in the field of peace education. We also welcome applications from distinguished practitioners in the field of peace education with high-level international experience in areas such as journalism, government, or NGO management.

Applicants should demonstrate outstanding academic or professional achievement in their field and ideally combine scholarly excellence with hands-on practice and grassroots work. They should have at least five years of advanced professional experience in the area of peace education and demonstrate that their work and/or research projects have made an exceptional impact.

Selection Criteria

The principal criteria for the Board’s decision will be quality of the project proposed for the Fellowship as well as the candidate’s expertise, experience and innovation as a practitioner or researcher.

Submit your Application

For more details, refer here
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