Call for Papers! 2024 Asian Law and Society Association and Annual Meeting! 13-14 December 2024!

Call for Papers! 2024 Asian Law and Society Association and Annual Meeting! 13-14 December 2024!

The Asian Law and Society Association (ALSA) is pleased to announce the conference theme and Call for Papers for the 2024 ALSA Annual Meeting, which will be held on 13-14 December 2024 at Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea. A Junior Scholars’ Workshop will be held on 12 December 2024. Both meetings will be held in person.

CONFERENCE THEME- “Whose Law, Whose Voices? Constructing Legal Stories in Asia”

The conference theme for ALSA 2024 invites participants to share their perspectives on legal narratives and practice across the Asian continent. This theme prompts an exploration of the diverse voices that contribute to the construction of legal frameworks, reflecting the nuanced interplay between tradition and change. The conference seeks to examine whose narratives shape legal discourse and explore how they influence legal conversations and transformations in Asia

Individual Paper Proposal

To present an individual paper in a panel to be organized by the 2024 ALSA Program Committee, please submit a paper proposal via the form:

1. your full name, position, institutional affiliation, and email,

2. title of the paper, and

3. abstract (in no more than 200 words).

Proposal for Paper Panels

To organize a paper panel for the 2024 ALSA Annual Meeting, please submit a paper panel proposal via the form:

1. your (panel organizer’s) full name, position, institutional affiliation, and email,

2. the panel Chair’s full name, position/affiliation, and email,

3. the title of the panel,

4. a description of the panel in no more than 200 words, and

5. the titles of 4 papers, the full names of their respective presenters, their positions/affiliations and email addresses, and an abstract (no more than 200 words) of each paper.

Important Dates (Korea Standard Time)

  • 24 June 2024- Submission deadline for paper and panel proposals
  • 31 July 2024- Notification of acceptance Note: Selections will be made on a competitive basis for a limited number of slots. All selections and allocations are at the sole discretion of the Program Committee of the ALSA 2024 Annual Meeting.
  • 5 Aug – 30 Sept 2024 –  Registration

For more details, refer here




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