Call for Papers! New section of the Brazilian Journal of International Law! Submit Now!

Call for Papers! New section of the Brazilian Journal of International Law! Submit Now!

The Brazilian Journal of International Law is pleased to inform that a new section entitled International law in Culture / O Direito Internacional na atualidade cultural has been inaugurated with the aim of publishing short reviews of new literature books, movies, documentaries and expositions which have a connection with international law and international relations. The objective is to portray the treatment of international law and international relations in these creative mediums. Reviews will be received on a continuous basis.

There are no specific deadlines.

SUBMISSION PROCESS Manuscripts may be submitted in Portuguese, French, Spanish or English. Non-native speakers are strongly encouraged to have their paper read by a native speaker. The reviews must be submitted through the Journal’s website:

The Journal will receive contributions from professors and researchers who are PhD holders and from PhD students.

For more details refer here


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