Call for Papers! Future Trajectories for the Law of the Sea – NCLOS Annual Conference 2024!

Call for Papers! Future Trajectories for the Law of the Sea – NCLOS Annual Conference 2024!

The Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea (NCLOS) is pleased to announce the call for papers for its annual conference, which will be organized in Tromsø, Norway, November 5-7, 2024.

This conference will provide an opportunity for academics, practitioners, and policymakers to engage in interdisciplinary dialogue and to contribute to the ongoing debate on ocean commons governance. In addition, leading experts are invited to give keynote lectures.

The 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) described as the “constitution of the oceans”, has the ambition to articulate a comprehensive legal order that could settle “all issues relating to the law of the sea”. UNCLOS has been long characterized as a “living treaty”, able to adapt to new challenges unknown at the time of its negotiation. This capacity is now however arguably under increasing pressure due to a range of global threats such as climate change, widespread pollution, technological paradigm shifts such as those related to artificial intelligence, and rising geopolitical and maritime security tensions as the world becomes multipolar.

Relevant topics include:

  • Regional Futures (Arctic, South China Sea, Mediterranean, South Pacific?)
  • Oceans and Climate Change
  • Marine Biodiversity
  • Extractive practices between geopolitics and the green transition
  • Geopolitics and Critical Infrastructures
  • Military Operations and Naval Warfare
  • Migrations and humans at sea
  • Rights (of humans, and non-humans)
  • Technologies and AI
  • Baselines and Sea-level Rise
  • Sovereignty and Stewardship
  • Novel Practices and Imaginations in the Anthropocene
  • Theories and Methodologies (Law and geography, Law and history, Law and critique, Law

Abstracts should be submitted by June 30, 2024.

Proposals will be considered by the conference convenors on the basis of academic merits and fit with the conference theme.

Abstracts should be no more than 400 words and include author (first name and last name), institutional affiliation and the title of the paper. Please e-mail all abstracts to [email protected]. We anticipate that authors will be advised by 15 August 2024 if their abstract has been accepted for presentation.

NCLOS invites engagements with and contributions to one or more of these themes:

  • Regional Futures (Arctic, South China Sea, Mediterranean, South Pacific?)
  • Oceans and Climate Change
  • Marine Biodiversity
  • Extractive practices between geopolitics and the green transition
  • Geopolitics and Critical Infrastructures
  • Military Operations and Naval Warfare
  • Migrations and humans at sea
  • Rights (of humans, and non-humans)
  • Technologies and AI
  • Baselines and Sea-level Rise
  • Sovereignty and Stewardship
  • Novel Practices and Imaginations in the Anthropocene
  • Theories and Methodologies (Law and geography, Law and history, Law and critique, Law and…..)

Publication of Papers

The conference hopes to generate new knowledge and ideas on this crucial issue, which will be disseminated through an academic publication (or more than one), whether a special issue of peer-reviewed articles, an edited volume or alternative forms of dissemination, to be determined once the range of contributions is finalized and assessed.

For more details, refer here


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