Call for Fellowship applications! at International Labour Organisation at Social Finance Programme!

Call for Fellowship applications! at International Labour Organisation at Social Finance Programme!

The ILO’s Social Finance Programme invites applications from qualified professionals with expertise in inclusive finance, microfinance, insurance and development for inclusion in its Fellowship Programme roster and for potential placements in three countries: Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands. The projects are expected to start at the end of third quarter of 2024.

The Fellowship Programme

The objective of the programme is to match qualified professionals with organizations working on the frontiers of financial inclusion, micro finance and impact insurance, bridge skill gaps and create a new generation of professionals with experience serving low-income populations.

Each Fellow will be placed with a host organization for a year to support an innovation project. The project could range from the implementation of a financial product, public-private partnership, digital solution, or distribution partnership.

Who can apply?

The ideal candidates for a fellowship should:

  • have relevant expertise to contribute to activities related to financial inclusion, insurance, digital finance and/or public private partnerships;
  • be proactive and ready to document learning experiences during the fellowship;
  • be interested in working in developing countries on development issues;
  • be seriously committed to providing inclusive financial and insurance services and practising in the field on an ongoing basis after the assignment;
  • be resourceful and capable of arranging practical necessities related to travel, life and work in a new environment; and
  • be ready to work in a developing country for the duration of the fellowship.

Financial inclusion, insurance or development professionals who are keen to apply their skills to promote social justice in emerging markets and who have worked in a technical capacity for at least five years may participate. Candidates with the requisite skills and experience will be included in the roster and considered for the aforementioned fellowship opportunity.

To apply and for more details, refer here

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