Global Symposium on Combating Corruption Promoting Good Governance: Challenges & Solutions! NLUD!

Global Symposium on Combating Corruption Promoting Good Governance: Challenges & Solutions! NLUD!

5th & 6th October 2024 

Jointly Organised By

Centre for Transparency and Accountability in Governance, NLUD, and UN Global Compact Network, India In collaboration with Representative of South Asia, United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime, India2 Common Cause, New Delhi, India3 Association for Democratic Reforms, New Delhi4 CEERA, National Law School of India University, Bangalore5 Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, JNU, Delhi6 ELCOP, Dhaka Bangladesh

Potential Stakeholders and Participants

1. Government (Ministry and relevant bodies)

2. Anti-corruption bodies/units.

3. Business/Corporate (Public & Private sectors)

4. Healthcare organization

5. Law Universities /organizations.

6. Compliance and sustainability experts

7. Parliamentarian/s 8. Academic and Research Institutes

9. Civil Society organizations /NGOs (Relevant)

10. UN Organizations.

Call for Abstracts:

2. An abstract of at least 750 words, including a Scheme of the presentation and 05 Key Words should be submitted.

3. The abstract must also indicate the research issues identified, objectives, research design and value addition to the existing literature.

4. The authors should apply the analytical skills instead of describing the research issues.

5. It must be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12 on A4 size paper with 1″ margin on all sides and 1.5 line spacing using MS Word application.

6. References should follow the Standard Indian Legal Citation (SILC) standard of footnoting. Endnotes are not allowed.

7. At the end of the paper, the author should have a brief profile with Email ID, contact number, and address.

Important Dates

Submission of Abstracts: 15th August 2024

Approval for participation: 31st August 15, 2024

For more details, refer here


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