Call for papers! JLMI! Issue no. 1/2025! Data Strategy & Trade Law! Submit Now!

Call for papers! JLMI! Issue no. 1/2025! Data Strategy & Trade Law! Submit Now!

This Call for Papers of the Journal of Law, Market & Innovation (JLMI) concerns the first issue to be published at the end of March 2025 and is devoted to Data Strategy & Trade Law. You can find the call with all the details at the following link:

Data Strategy & Trade Law

The Call invites contributions that explore the intricate relationship between trade regulations and the burgeoning field of big data. As the digital economy expands, the collection, analysis, and exchange of large data sets have become central to global commerce. However, this growth raises complex legal questions and challenges that intersect with trade law, necessitating scholarly examination and debate.

We encourage submissions that delve into various aspects of trade law and data strategy, focusing on both theoretical and practical perspectives. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Digital Strategy and Trade Policy

  • The influence of data strategy on the formulation and implementation of trade policies
  • Predictive analytics and big data in shaping trade negotiations and agreements
  • Ethical considerations in using big data for trade policy development

Data Protection and Privacy in Trade

  • The interplay between trade laws and data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA)
  • Balancing privacy concerns with the free flow of data in international trade
  • Case studies on trade disputes arising from data protection measures

Data strategy and Trade Facilitation

  • Legal and policy frameworks supporting the use of big data in trade logistics
  • Case studies on successful implementations of big data technologies in trade facilitation
  • Antitrust and Competition Law

E-commerce and Digital Trade

  • Digital Services Act
  • Legal issues related to e-commerce and the cross-border flow of data
  • Trade barriers affecting digital goods and services
  • Policy recommendations for enhancing digital trade through legal reforms
  • Digital fairness for consumers

Cybersecurity and Trade

  • The role of trade law in addressing cybersecurity threats in international data exchanges
  • Legal measures to safeguard against cyberattacks targeting trade infrastructure
  • International cooperation on cybersecurity standards and their implications for trade

The authors are invited to address questions and issues arising from the specific area of law relating to their topic. All types of legal approaches will be considered for publication. However, please note that any analysis solely limited to a national legal system will fall outside the scope of the Journal. An international, supranational or transnational legal dimension is imperative. The Board of Editors will select articles based on the quality of research and writing, diversity, and relevance of topic. The novelty of the academic contribution is also an essential requirement.

Prospective articles should be submitted in the form of abstracts (around 800 words) or draft articles (see below) to [email protected] by 22 July 2024. Perspective authors will be notified by 31 July 2024. Final articles shall be delivered by 15 November 2024 and should conform to the journal style guide that is based on OSCOLA. Typically, the JLMI accepts contributions within the range of 10.000 to 15.000 words, including footnotes, but both shorter and longer articles will be considered. Submitted articles will undergo a rigorous double-blind peer-review process. Prior to submission, perspective authors are invited to check the Authors’ guidelines (also with regard to simultaneous submission to other journals) and the JLMI Code of Ethics. For further information, or for consultation on a potential submission, you can contact us by email at [email protected].

For more details, refer here


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