Call for Applications! for PhD position in public finances law! at UCLouvain! Apply Now!

Call for Applications! for PhD position in public finances law! at UCLouvain! Apply Now!

The Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Legal Sciences and Criminology (Institut pour la recherche interdisciplinaire en sciences juridiques et criminologie) at UCLouvain is looking for a talented researcher interested in pursuing a PhD pertaining to the law of public finances – an emerging legal discipline in its own right made increasingly relevant by the need to achieve sustainable public finances after the Covid-19 pandemic, the NextGenEU, and the other commitments of public finances that await us in times of multiple societal pressures (ageing population, climate change, defence etc).

Job description 

The applicant will be expected to submit a PhD proposal and to conduct research in an area closely related to the research project described below. The PhD position is funded by the FSR Seedfund 2024. Funding is available for an initial period of two years, with a possibility to apply for two additional years under the FSR schemeIt corresponds to a doctoral tax-free grant, including social security contributions. The applicant is expected to apply for F.R.S.-FNRS funding under his/her PhD supervisor’s supervision. The applicant will work under the supervision of Yseult Marique, Professor of public fina

Application process – deadline 

Applications should be sent in a single pdf file and must include:

  • A cover letter (max 1,000 words) explaining your research interests and how your profile fits the research project,
  • A full CV (including your academic qualifications, relevant courses taken and, where applicable, a list of publications and/or conference presentations and/or relevant professional practice),
  • The contact details of two academic referees,
  • An academic writing sample, such as a Master thesis or similar essay, and
  • A two-page (max 1,000 words) description of how you would approach this project and how you would conduct your research during the period of 4 years (which aspects of the topic do you find particularly interesting; how does your academic / professional background help you address these aspects; which sectors or countries would you be interested in studying and why?).

Applications should be sent by email to [email protected] by no later than 1st August 2024 (23h59). Please indicate as subject APPLICATION TO PhD POSITION – CONDITIONALITY.

For more details, refer here


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