Call for Applications! for College of Arts and Law British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships! Apply Now!

Call for Applications! for College of Arts and Law British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships! Apply Now!

The College of Arts and Law at the University of Birmingham encourages outstanding postdoctoral researchers to apply to the British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship, for Fellowships hosted at Birmingham starting in the 2025/26 academic year. These three-year fellowships are intended to enable scholars in the arts and humanities and social sciences to complete a major piece of publishable research and to establish their profile within their field and across the wider academic community.

Applications are welcomed from colleagues with strong research proposals who are eligible for the Fellowship because they:

  • have either completed their PhD or will be in possession of a doctoral degree (defined as having passed their viva voce) by 1st April 2025
  • are a UK/EEA national or completed their doctorate at a UK university or have a strong prior association with the UK academic community
  • have not yet held a permanent academic appointment
  • are within three years of having completed their doctorate (i.e., did their viva voce no earlier than 1 April 2022)
  • have not previously applied for the BA Postdoctoral Fellowship.

The College of Arts and Law will select prospective applicants for the Fellowship based on the quality of the proposal and fit within the College. To enable this selection processes, candidates must send the following information by email to Samantha Taylor, Research Support Officer for the College of Arts and Law ([email protected]) by 4pm on Friday 23rd August 2024:

  • A description of their proposed project (max. 2 A4 pages)
  • A copy of their CV (max. 2 A4 pages)
  • A summary of why the University of Birmingham and the relevant School are a good fit for the project (max. 300 words)
  • The name of their proposed mentor and confirmation they have agreed to act as mentor for the application and fellowship
  • The name of their proposed referee

Selected candidates will be supported by their mentors and the University’s Research Strategy and Services Division to develop their full proposal, which must be submitted to the British Academy by 5pm on 2nd October 2024.

Appointments at the University of Birmingham are dependent on the award of the Fellowship.

For more details, refer here


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