Call for Papers! SRMUH Law Review (Vol 2 Issue 1 & 2) 2024! Submission Deadline- 15th August, 2024!

Call for Papers! SRMUH Law Review (Vol 2 Issue 1 & 2) 2024! Submission Deadline- 15th August, 2024!


The SRMUH Law Review invites academicians, researchers, scholars, practitioners, and experts in the field of law to contribute their original research articles, case studies, and critical analyses for Volume 2, Issue 1 of the Journal. The Indian criminal justice system is undergoing significant changes, driven by new criminal laws and judicial interpretations. The theme “Changing Facets of Criminal Jurisprudence in India with Special Reference to New Criminal Laws” highlights these transformations, reflecting the evolving nature of legal frameworks aimed at addressing modern challenges in crime and justice. Legislative amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) and the Indian Penal Code (IPC) along with the Evidence Act seeks to bring procedural safeguards and redefined offenses, aligning them with contemporary socio-economic realities. For example, stricter laws against sexual harassment and the Fugitive Economic Offenders Act showcase the focus on gender-based violence and financial fraud. However, at the same time criticism of the new laws is also there, which demonstrates the need for more research on the changes in criminal laws.

We invite researchers, scholars, practitioners, and experts in the field of law or interested researchers from other discipline to contribute their original research articles, case studies, and critical analyses. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

• Reforms in Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC)

• Challenges in Implementing New Criminal Laws

• Impact of the New Criminal Laws on Victim Rights

• Gender-Specific Criminal Laws and Their Effectiveness

• Juvenile Justice System Reforms

• White-Collar Crimes and Legislative Responses

• Impact of New Criminal Laws on Organized Crime

• Economic Offenses and New Legislative Measures

• The Future of Criminal Law in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

• The Role of Technology in Criminal Investigations and Trials

• The Role of Forensic Science in Modern Criminal Justice

• Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Criminal Justice Reforms

• Comparative Analysis of Indian and International Criminal Law Reforms

• Human Rights Considerations in Criminal Law Reforms

• Sentencing Reforms and Judicial Discretion

• Intersection of Criminal Law and Mental Health

• Legal Aid and Access to Justice in the Context of New Laws

• Community service as a punishment


The proposal for the article shall be submitted in 500 words with few keywords. Please submit your abstract before 15th August, 2024. As we have limitation to accept number of papers, abstracts received on time will get priority for review.


  • Release of Call for Papers: 15th July, 2024
  • Send the Abstracts (500 words) on or before: 15th August, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance of abstracts: 25th August. 2024
  • Final manuscript submission: 30th September, 2024
  • Final acceptance after plagiarism and editorial review: 30th October, 2024
  • Publication of Journal by the end of December 2024

For more details, refer here



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