6th International Siberian Legal Forum! Law in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities, 17-19 October 2024, Tyumen!

6th International Siberian Legal Forum! Law in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities, 17-19 October 2024, Tyumen!

The Institute of State and Law, University of Tyumen cordially invites you to participate in the 6th International Siberian Legal Forum titled Law in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities, 17-19 October 2024, Tyumen

The Forum offers a venue for the exchange of knowledge and experience, the discussion of current challenges, trends and goals related to the developments in the law, as well as professional networking with researchers and legal practitioners from Russia and around the world. The Forum will feature round tables, panel discussions, workshops, presentations, open lectures, BRICS Law Journal editorial council meetings, and informal discussions.

Main areas of the Forum’s focus include:

• Artificial Intelligence in Civil Turnover: Trends, Risks, Prospects

• Protection of Labour Rights in the Context of Neural Network Technologies

• Digitalisation and Criminal Law

• Legal Responsibility within Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Technologies

• Legal Regulations of Artificial Intelligence in the Customs and the Related Authorities

• Ensuring the Constitutional Rights of Citizens within Digitalization

• Methodological, Historical and Legal Aspects of Legal Values in Information Society

• Law as an Intellectual Value at the Crossroads of Technological Singularity and Transhumanism: Problems, Prospects, Opportunities

• Artificial Intelligence Compliance: Legal Regulations for Tech Companies

• Artificial Intelligence and Robotization of the Human Body: Biotechnological and Legal Frameworks

• The Human Body in the Biotechnologicalisation of Law and the Application of Artificial Intelligence Technologies

• Artificial Intelligence in Legal Education • Mediation and Artificial Intelligence: Human-Centered Decision-Making

• The Financial System of the Modern State: Expanding Digitalisation and Application of Artificial Intelligence

• The Changing World Order: BRICS Legal and Digital Solutions

Registration for Forum participants is available on the website

Registration deadline: 01 October 2024 

For more details,  refer here

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