2nd Cambridge Conference on International Dispute Settlement! 25 October 2024! University of Cambridge!

2nd Cambridge Conference on International Dispute Settlement! 25 October 2024! University of Cambridge!

25 October 2024 University of Cambridge Lauterpacht Centre for International Law Cambridge, UK


Conference attendance is free of charge but subject to prior registration at the following link:

The dockets of international courts and tribunals are remarkably busy with cases concerning some of the most politicised and divisive international crises. From traditional disputes about territorial and/or maritime delimitation, immunities or diplomatic law, to allegations of international crimes in Ukraine, Gaza, Darfur, Syria and Myanmar, to the civilisational threat of climate change, the disputes brought to international adjudication differ greatly in nature and scale. While adjudication is actively sought, it is sometimes also fundamentally contested in its very principle, as illustrated by the international tensions arising from the activity of the International Criminal Court. What is noteworthy is the increasing resort to formal judicial processes, rather than less formal or more political options, even in those cases where the political situation makes the implementation of a judicial decision highly unlikely. Underlying this increasing resort is an effort to secure an outcome which gives legal legitimacy to a certain political position. At a time where the rule of law seems challenged in its core, the active resort to international adjudication thus suggests a much more nuanced engagement with international law. The 2nd LCIL Conference on International Dispute Settlement will seek to flesh out these nuances, with particular attention to the practice of international law.

For program schedule, refer here



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