Call for Papers: How and Why Do Double Standards Matter for International Law? Geneva, Switzerland, 15-17 May 2025!

Call for Papers: How and Why Do Double Standards Matter for International Law? Geneva, Switzerland, 15-17 May 2025!

15-17 May 2025 Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies; Geneva, Switzerland 

States, international organizations, and non-state actors profess commitments to legal principles, such as accountability, human rights, or sovereign equality, yet act in ways that contradict these ideals. In response to the perception that international law is selectively applied, claims of double standards are ever-present. Accusations of double standards serve as a rallying call to promote consistency and the equitable application of international law; alternatively, they are used to deflect criticism or avoid accountability. The resulting discussion of double standards intersects with and implicates other principles of international law, including fairness, equality, justice, and the rule of law. What is the function of the double standards critique in international law, and how is it different from other critiques of injustice?

This workshop aims to produce an edited volume that will build upon the past contributions from the first Berlin event to address the main themes and conclusions from academic exchanges continued in Geneva. Participants will be asked to circulate draft papers of between 5000-7000 words before the workshop so that these can be shared among the participants to inform discussions at the workshop and ensure that you receive substantive feedback. Subject to peer review, a selection of presented papers will be considered for publication in the edited volume.

This workshop is organized by the International Law Department of the Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in collaboration with the Harvard Law School Program on International Law in Armed Conflict and the Swiss National Science Foundation (Scientific Exchanges grant no. 229373). Please submit an abstract, max. 500 words, and a brief bio to Patryk Labuda ([email protected]) and David Hughes ([email protected]) by 15 October 2024. Full papers of 5000-7000 words will be due by 30 April 2025. The workshop will allow in-person and virtual attendance. There is a limited budget for travel and accommodation assistance. If you would like to be considered for this funding, please specify that in your email.

For more details, refer here


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