Call for Papers! 3 day International Conference! Tracing Modes of Gendered Thinking: Ideation and Philosophy from the Global South Asia (with Special Reference to India)!

Call for Papers! 3 day International Conference! Tracing Modes of Gendered Thinking: Ideation and Philosophy from the Global South Asia (with Special Reference to India)!

4th-6th Dec, Banaras Hindu University, Banaras, India. 

The Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, the International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPH), and the Centre for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, Paderborn University are planning to jointly conduct an international conference on “Tracing Modes of Gendered Thinking: Ideation and Philosophy from the Global South Asia (with Special Reference to India)” on 4th—6th December 2024 at Banaras Hindu University, Banaras, India.


1. History of Women’s Thought: Philosophical, Political, Social, Cultural, and Intellectual.

2. Feminist Theories from Global South.

3. Indigenous modes and Ways of Thinking.

4. Knowledge Production and Dissemination.

5. Intersectional Decolonialism.

6. Women’s Movement: Transformation, Emancipation and Alteration.

7. Gender Studies – interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary

8. Gendered transactions of ideas that break national and linguistic boundaries.

9. Gendered networks of intellection.

This will be the coming together of intellectual historians, practitioners, activists, philosophers, social scientists, and humanities scholars who work in the field of gender. The resulting exchange of ideas might shed new light on the discipline of intellectual history itself. We encourage the submission of papers that broadly fit into the broad theme of the Conference.

Please indicate which theme your paper addresses with your abstract submission. You are requested to submit an abstract of 250-300 words, along with a brief CV at the following email id: [email protected]

For more details, refer here



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