Call for Papers! Cambridge Disinformation Summit, 23-25 April 2025 King’s College, University of Cambridge UK! Submit Now!

Call for Papers! Cambridge Disinformation Summit, 23-25 April 2025 King’s College, University of Cambridge UK! Submit Now!

Papers from any discipline or research methods will be considered that relate to the Summit’s theme,

“Research on the efficacy of disinformation interventions”.

Opportunity to potentially present research to inform and learn from global policymakers and interdisciplinary scholars.

Disinformation occurs when actors intentionally disseminate misleading narratives through selected dissemination channels to exploit targeted vulnerable audiences. Examples might include information campaigns that support financial fraud, sexual predation, marginalizing targeted communities, or degrading human rights or democratic processes.

Interventions are methods, policies, materials, pedagogical frameworks, regulatory frameworks, professional practices, computer tools or algorithms, or social-psychological constructs that might for (non-exhaustive) example:

• expose, correct, or question disinformation narratives, actors or incentives
• prevent, expose, investigate, regulate, or prosecute harms arising from disinformation narratives
• disincentivize actors
• inform, educate, or otherwise support potential victims.

Illustrative (non-exhaustive) examples of current interventions across contexts include reporting standards, audits, regulatory enforcement, AI or crowd-sourced content flagging, fact-checking, prebunking, media literacy or critical thinking skills education, platform data access, and digital services legislation.

Paper submissions are encouraged to consider innovative interventions, broad settings, including those in less researched environments (e.g., the Global South), potential implications on fundamental rights (e.g., free speech), and how to garner public trust with the interventions.

Papers will be selected by the scientific committee to be invited for presentation at the events in Cambridge UK.

Priority will be given to papers that focus on disinformation (as opposed to misinformation, which is unintentional dissemination of misleading narratives), and to newer working papers that can both inform and be informed by the Summit’s interdisciplinary audience.

The 2025 Cambridge Disinformation Summit is hosted by: the Cambridge Centre for Financial Reporting and Accountability, the Cambridge Psychometrics Centre, University of Cambridge Social Decision-Making Lab, the University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business, and the University of Zurich Accounting Faculty Group.

For more details, refer here


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