Call for Papers: Culture in code: intercultural competence in the age of AI and globalisation

Culture in code: intercultural competence in the age of AI and globalisation

This Collection is dedicated to unravelling the complex interactions between cutting-edge technological advancements and the intricate tapestry of cultural interactions that characterize our global landscape. It seeks to probe deeper into how Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies can be thoughtfully and innovatively designed to not only recognise but also adapt to and respect diverse cultural paradigms, thereby enhancing the efficacy and ethics of intercultural communication.

As the digital age propels us into more frequent and nuanced intercultural exchanges, the role of AI in mediating these interactions becomes pivotal. This collection aims to foster a critical examination of both the potential and the challenges of integrating AI into diverse cultural contexts. We are interested in contributions that illuminate the ways in which AI can contribute to or complicate the pursuit of robust intercultural competence, offering insights that blend theoretical depth with practical applicability. Through this scholarly discourse, this collection aspires to set new benchmarks for how technologies can serve as conduits for ethical, effective, and enriching intercultural communications in a rapidly globalizing world.

Research is invited on the following and related topics and questions:

  • Design of culturally competent AI systems: how can AI be programmed to recognize and adapt to cultural differences
  • Impact of AI on cross-cultural communication: how do AI-driven platforms affect intercultural understanding and conflict
  • Ethical considerations in AI and intercultural competence: what are the ethical challenges of using AI in multicultural settings?
  • Globalization and cultural exchange: how does globalization facilitate or complicate cultural interactions?
  • Education and training in intercultural competence: what roles do educational systems play in preparing individuals for a globalized, AI-integrated world?
  • AI in international business and negotiation: how can AI tools enhance negotiation strategies and business operations across different cultural landscapes?
  • Cultural bias in AI algorithms: how does inherent bias affect the outcomes of AI systems and what mechanisms can be implemented to mitigate these biases?
  • Role of AI in cultural preservation and transmission: how can AI contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage and the transmission of cultural knowledge?
  • Interdisciplinary methodologies in AI and cultural studies: what interdisciplinary approaches are effective in studying the interaction between AI and cultural dynamics?
  • AI, intercultural communication, and global health: how is AI being used to bridge cultural gaps in global health initiatives?
  • Privacy and security concerns in cross-cultural AI applications: what are the privacy and security challenges when AI systems operate across different cultural and regulatory landscapes?

For authors

At Humanities & Social Sciences Communications we want to make the process of submitting your manuscript as simple as possible. Please carefully follow our step-by-step process, completing each step before progressing to the next.

Step 1: Before you submit

There are several important things you need to know and understand before you begin the submission process. From checking that your research is relevant to our journal, to preparing your manuscript and finding out about open access costs and funding, you will find it in this section.

To go straight to this step, please visit our before you submit page.

Step 2: Ready to submit

Ensuring your manuscript adheres to our submission guidelines and you have consulted our submission checklists helps prevent delays to the assessment of your work.

Once you have successfully formatted and prepared your manuscript files, you will be ready to submit them.

After your manuscript is submitted via our online submission system, it enters our editorial process. We aim to get a first decision to you within approximately 50 days, although this cannot be guaranteed.

Step 3: Post-publication

Our marketing and communications teams promote articles across multiple channels following publication. We have a pre-publicity policy for authors, and we also offer advice and guidance to help you promote your published article through your own channels and techniques.

All published articles include article-level metrics allowing readers to track the impact and reach of research.

To go straight to this step, please visit our post-publication page.

Submit manuscript


Submitting a paper for consideration


To submit your manuscript for consideration at Humanities & Social Sciences Communications as part of this Collection, please follow the steps detailed on this page. On the first page of our online submission system, please select your article type from the drop down menu. When on the “details” tab, you will be presented with the option to select which Collection your article should be submitted to. Authors should also express their interest in the Collection in their cover letter.

Accepted papers are published on a rolling basis as soon as they are ready.

Find out more about the Editor here


The Collection will publish original research Articles, Reviews and Comments (full details on content types can be found here). Papers will be published in Humanities & Social Sciences Communications as soon as they are accepted and then collected together and promoted on the Collection homepage. All Collections are associated with a call for papers and are managed by one or more of our Editorial Board Members and the journal’s Editors.

This Collection welcomes submissions from all authors – and not by invitation only – on the condition that the manuscripts fall within the scope of the Collection and of Humanities & Social Sciences Communications more generally. See our editorial process page for more details.

All submissions are subject to the same peer review process and editorial standards as regular Humanities & Social Sciences Communications Articles, including the journal’s policy on competing interests. The peer review of any submissions for which the Editors have competing interests is handled by Editorial Board Members who have no competing interests. See our journal policies and submission guidelines for more details.

This Collection is not supported by sponsorship.

Submission status:- Open
Submission deadline:-



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