Call for Papers! SCOPUS JOURNAL! Interdisciplinary Approaches to Business & Human Rights: an assessment of the field 10+ years from the UNGPs!

Call for Papers! SCOPUS JOURNAL! Interdisciplinary Approaches to Business & Human Rights: an assessment of the field 10+ years from the UNGPs!



Special Issue (2025/2) – Interdisciplinary Approaches to Business & Human Rights: an assessment of the field 10+ years from the UNGPs


Submissions on interdisciplinary challenges, conceptual developments, and methodological efforts involved in addressing and approaching the BHR agenda are welcome. By combining and (re)articulating diverse fields of study – Political Science, International Relations, Business Ethics, International Law, Environmental Policy, and others – this Special Issue aims to both provide a comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between Business and Human Rights and offer a critical appraisal of the knowledge gathered, of the meaningful academic research,and of the practical progress achieved throughout this agenda after the first ten years of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs): a key normative framework that dates back to 2011 and to the norm entrepreneurial role of John G. Ruggie to avoid and address Human Rights abuses in business activities and to stimulate regulations and ongoing transformations of global value chains, meaningful stakeholder engagement and rightsholder-driven remedy.

The following non-exhaustive topics can be considered for submissions:
1) The politics of global supply chain regulations;
2) The development of the concept of Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) and of the Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence (HREDD) approach as a means of activating meaningful stakeholders engagement, responsibilities and consequently filling governance and accountability gaps;
3) The development of a nuanced and more complex understanding of the dynamics between the Global North and the Global South in terms of BHR agenda and its policy-making process;
4) European Union (EU) normative dynamics and EU Member States’ (un)disputed roles, standards, practices;
5) Evaluation of Human Rights – potential and practical – impacts of multinational companies in a local-global perspective;
6) Recognition of heterogeneous ethical foundations and motivations for designing and implementing HRDD and HREDD by enterprises through business single and multiple case studies selection;
7) The debate regarding the soft-hard law continuum that frames and constitute the BHR agenda;
8) The waves of State responses in terms of National Action Plans (NAPs), their cycles and their (non)reciprocal relations and effects inter-regionally;
9) CSR and ESG managerial frameworks for BHR; and
10) Multistakeholder Initiatives around BHRs norms and rules and the question of compliance.


The Brazilian Journal of International Law is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal which publishes three issues per year.


Manuscripts may be submitted in English, French, Portuguese, or Spanish. Manuscript revisions will be in the language of submission. Non-native speakers are strongly encouraged to have their paper read by a native speaker. The Journal will reject articles if the level of chosen language is insufficient. It adopts a double-blind peer-review policy. The response from the first review will normally be provided within 30 days from the submission. Authors are expected to correct and return proofs of accepted articles within 10 days.
Minimum Degree for submission:
• Individual authorship: PhD degree
• Co-authorship: authors having a master’s degree must have a PhD holder as co-author. If there are three of more authors, only one co-author must be a non-doctor with the aforementioned minimum degree (master)

The editors will reject manuscripts before review if they are not suitable for the journal, e.g. because of inadequate or imprecise analytical development, inconsistent formatting or non-compliance with our submission guidelines, and poor writing style (this list is not exhaustive).

The deadline for submission is the 31st of October 2024.

Publication Date: August 2025.


For more details, refer here


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