Call for Papers – Polycrisis & Precarity: Understanding the Lived Experience of Workers! Submit Now!

Call for Papers – Polycrisis & Precarity: Understanding the Lived Experience of Workers! Submit Now!

Submissions open on- 01 March 2025

Submission deadline- 01 May 2025

Types of Papers and Suggested Topics

• Papers that draw from existentialist and other philosophical perspectives to address polycrisis

When situated individual experience is the entry point to knowledge, certain streams within philosophy, and especially what is sometimes referred to as continental philosophy, provide an intellectual foundation for developing questions and generating insight. Existentialist philosophies tend to treat precarity not uniquely as the result of polycrisis but rather as the fundamental (enduring) nature of the human condition. It stands to reason that these philosophies can pre-empt important questions for the business practitioners of our time and may also have insights into the problems that workers presently face. We welcome the application of not only the thinkers widely known as “existentialists”, but also other philosophers who embrace the notion of human agency despite or vis-à-vis polycrisis. We are looking for both historical and contemporary authors whose work can be used toward understanding workers’ experience amid polycrisis, through their exploration of themes including but not limited to anguish, anxiety, authenticity, good faith/ bad faith, relatedness to others, the indeterminacy of the future as well as the purpose, or meaning of human existence (nothingness), and freedom.

• Papers that draw upon literary fiction and criticism to consider polycrisis

For more details, refer here


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