Call for Papers! in the Journal Law between East and West! ISSN 3034-2953! Submit Now!

Call for Papers! in the Journal Law between East and West! ISSN 3034-2953! Submit Now!

Registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications PI No.FS77-84258 dated 12/05/2022.

The founder is the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation”

ISSN 3034-2953

Rules of Formalization of Materials

Dear authors!

1. Materials shall be sent in electronic form (Word 7.0 or later version) at the electronic address of the Editors Office: [email protected] (text – spacing 1.5, font size – 14, with signature of the author on the last page ; footnotes are issued by page, formalized in accordance with the  current GOST ). Volume of the material shall not exceed 10 pages. The materials which were published or offered to several journals shall not be taken for consideration.

2. The author shall receive information on the status of his article upon request.

3. The contract on transfer of the right to use pieces of work shall be concluded in oral form and free of charge, ie no payment shall be taken from authors including post-graduates for publication of an article, copyright royalties shall not be paid either . By sending of an article for publication the author expresses consent to its reduction and editing, placement in legal reference systems, data bases, and electronic resources (including Internet), which have relevant agreements with the Editors Office. On sending an article it is necessary to attach to it the signed application which can be downloaded here . 

For more details, refer here


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